How to convert XML file to CSV file and save it to RDS on AWS using lambda function
For this code I have created below stucture in aws s3
|-> XML
|-> CSV
|-> dbCredentials.json
dbCredentials.json will be used to store DB credentials in below format
"host": "aws-ds-host",
"db": "db-name",
"username": "db username",
"password": "db password",
"port": db port
Any PUT Action to this bucket is bound to lambda triggers
1. Find file type that triggered lambda
2. Call related function [xml->csv or csv->rds]
3. Related conversion and storing of data
As AWS lambda by default does not support pymysql and pandas we need to attach layers of the same.
[use of linux if preferable]
<1> Download pymysql
-> use of python folder is must for layer to work. DON'T CHANGE IT'S NAME
>> mkdir python
>> pip install pymysql -t python --no-user
>> zip -r ./python
-> Layer is already available on aws lambda by default. But we need to attach it to use it.
Upload layer
Do below steps for pymysql
-> AWS --> lambda --> layers --> add layer --> fill up details and upload layer
Attach layer
-> AWS --> lambda --> our function --> "Layers" section --> Add a layer --> do below steps
<1> To add pymysql
-> Select "Custom Source" under "Layer Source" --> select layer name (that we created before by uploading zip) --> select version --> Add
<2> To add inbuild pandas layer
-> Select "AWS Layers" unser "Layer Source" --> select "AWSDataWrangler..." --> select version --> Add
You are now good to use your custom and aws inbuilt layers. is placed under dependancy folder for reference