The Blockchain Commons Community is a central location for discussion and information dispersal for Blockchain Commons stakeholders.
- Blockchain Commons: Create a specific commons that is dedicated to the realization of open infrastructure for secure, compassionate, decentralized systems.
- Open Infrastructure: Define and advocate a specific and actionable notion of “open infrastructure” as a self-organizing approach to collaborative resource generation.
- Architecture: Research, define, and evangelize an interoperable architecture for secure decentralized systems that are resilient, pragmatic, and easy to use.
- Demand: Define and advocate a new techno-social contract of decentralized infrastructure, based on human dignity, respect for the individual, and mutual benefit for all contributors.
- Peers: Increase the demand for, and population of, people who understand the effective development, and use of, secure decentralized systems.
See also our current strategies and our vision page.
- Tweetstorms — incomplete list of past tweetstorms
- Best Practices — how to write BCC tweets
Blockchain Commons Info:
- Account Listing — Listing of accounts with info about Blockchain Commons
GitHub Usage:
- GitHub Primer — An overview of using GitHub
Repos & Repo Releases:
- Repo Creation Conventions - how to create a new repo
- Release Best Practices — How to release
- Release Path — what alpha, beta, etc mean
- Release Path Best Practices Standards — what to do at various stages
Web Page Releases:
- Info Web Page Conventions — Standard content for our proof-of-concept info web pages
App Releases:
- Release: Creating an Ad-Hoc DMG for the Mac — How to do so
- Versioning Notes for Apple & Android — Issues discussion of version #s
- Blockchain, Digital Identity & Related Events Listing — A listing of related events & groups
- Blockchain Calendar — Anniversary dates to celebrate Bitcoin
Administrative Utilities:
- Codeowners Reports — A listing for repo metadata
We have run well-received virtual internship programs in both Summer 2020 and Summer 2021. Discussion of our most recent internship program can be found here, while a lot of our intern work occurs in our Community Discussion.
If you're interested in a future internship program, watch that space for our next announcement.
The following servers are currently running Blockchain Commons services. If you need access, please ask.
- BTCPay:
- Our secure server, currently used for BTCPay
- Spotbit:
- Our services server, currently used for Spotbit (http://h6zwwkcivy2hjys6xpinlnz2f74dsmvltzsd4xb42vinhlcaoe7fdeqd.onion)
- Wallet:
- ?. This may be our default full node for Gordian Wallet
- Research-0:
- Our main server for research projects
- Esplora:
- Server for Esplora implementation
- electrs and http available over tor:
- http://pf4awrbzt3ohrtukpq6xx6y73gxqlnon4zh35ik7ald3kwfb5iedogad.onion/
- pf4awrbzt3ohrtukpq6xx6y73gxqlnon4zh35ik7ald3kwfb5iedogad.onion:50001
See Projects for our most comprehensive list.
- Recent Projects:
- Projects under consideration:
- Learning Bitcoin 3.0
- #SmartCustody 2.0
- Gordian Recovery
- P & Q Bulletproofs Reference Implementation
- Sidechain Security & Architecture Review
If you are interested in supporting a specific blockchain FOSS (free and open-source software) project, feature, or bug bounty, or wish to support the Blockchain Commons or open infrastructure in general, please become an ongoing sponsor or if you prefer make a donation to our BTCPay. We are investigating non-profit options (such as working with the Human Rights Founding) but we are not a charitable non-profit at this time, so any contributions are not individually tax-deductible; however, any contributions by businesses are tax-deductible as an expense. See for details.
The Blockchain Commons members are:
- Blockchain & Decentralized Identity Architect — Internet Cryptography Pioneer — Co-author TLS Security Standard
- Decentralized Identity Advocate — founder of #RebootingWebOfTrust & co-chair of the W3C Credentials Community
- Former Principal Architect — Blockstream Corporation, Former VP — Blackphone, Former CTO — Certicom
- Technology Leadership — former Faculty in the MBA in Sustainable Systems program at
- Blogs at Life With Alacrity, code on Github and on Twitter is @ChristopherA
- Resides in the Bay Area of California, USA
- Software Engineer & Independent Bitcoin Protocol Developer
- Specialties include blockchain scalability, privacy enhancing technologies & issued asset extensions to Bitcoin
- Co-Founder & Former Infrastructure Tech Engineer — Blockstream Corporation
- Co-author Pegged Sidechains white paper, Confidential Assets white paper, Strong Federations white paper
- Core developer of demurrage-token based Freicoin
- Code on Github and on Twitter is @MarkFriedenbach
- Resides in the Bay Area of California, USA
- Convener of the Internet of Humans Workshop, with Paula Berman (Democracy Earth) and Kevin Owoki (Gitcoin)
- Independent researcher—SANDPP
- Collaborator at Blockchain Commons
- Code on Github and on Twitter is @VinayVasanji
- Resides in the Philadelphia, USA
The Blockchain Commons maintains the following communication channels:
- Shared Document Repositories (github):
- Community Documents (github):
- Research Papers (github):
- Twitter:
- Forum/Mailing List: TBD
More will be added as needed.
The best place to talk about Blockchain Commons and its projects is in our GitHub Discussions areas.
Gordian Developer Community. For standards and open-source developers who want to talk about interoperable wallet specifications, please use the Discussions area of the Gordian Developer Community repo. This is where you talk about Gordian specifications such as Gordian Envelope, bc-shamir, Sharded Secret Key Reconstruction, and bc-ur as well as the larger Gordian Architecture, its Principles of independence, privacy, resilience, and openness, and its macro-architectural ideas such as functional partition (including airgapping, the original name of this community).
Gordian User Community. For users of the Gordian reference apps, including Gordian Coordinator, Gordian Seed Tool, Gordian Server, Gordian Wallet, and SpotBit as well as our whole series of CLI apps. This is a place to talk about bug reports and feature requests as well as to explore how our reference apps embody the Gordian Principles.
Blockchain Commons Discussions. For developers, interns, and patrons of Blockchain Commons, please use the discussions area of the Community repo to talk about general Blockchain Commons issues, the intern program, or topics other than those covered by the Gordian Developer Community or the Gordian User Community.
As an open-source, open-development community, Blockchain Commons does not have the resources to provide direct support of our projects. Please consider the discussions area as a locale where you might get answers to questions. Alternatively, please use this repository's issues feature. Unfortunately, we can not make any promises on response time.
If your company requires support to use our projects, please feel free to contact us directly about options. We may be able to offer you a contract for support from one of our contributors, or we might be able to point you to another entity who can offer the contractual support that you need.
- Create Github Community
- Review content with members & patrons
- We need a, something along the lines of ParticipatoryOrgs-Community/ & ipfs/
- Review content with members & patrons
- We need a Contributors Agreement (pending legal formation)
- Create website for, maybe (ChristopherA currently holds these domains)
- Legal formation
- Investigate legal formation options (LLC, L4C, etc.) and legal venues (US, Deleware, Wyoming, overseas,etc.)
- Investigate a formal relationship with Software Freedom Conservancy for those US patrons who wish to contribute tax-deductible funds.
- Funding
- Submit proposals to various foundations desiring to support commons activities
Please read the statuses in individual repos. Many projects are still in testing phase and should not be used for production tasks until they have had further testing and auditing.
Unless otherwise noted (either in the for an individual repo or in an individual file's header comments) the contents of this GitHub are Copyright © 2020 by Blockchain Commons, LLC, and are licensed under the spdx:BSD-2-Clause Plus Patent License.
In most cases, the authors, copyright, and license for each file reside in header comments in the source code. When it does not, we have attempted to attribute it accurately tables in individual READMEs.
The Community is a project of Blockchain Commons. We are proudly a "not-for-profit" social benefit corporation committed to open source & open development. Our work is funded entirely by donations and collaborative partnerships with people like you. Every contribution will be spent on building open tools, technologies, and techniques that sustain and advance blockchain and internet security infrastructure and promote an open web.
To financially support further development of $projectname
and other projects, please consider becoming a Patron of Blockchain Commons through ongoing monthly patronage as a GitHub Sponsor. You can also support Blockchain Commons with bitcoins at our BTCPay Server.
Please see our Sponsors page for our best list of sustaining patrons.
- Tuur Demeester
- Investment analyst, recommended Bitcoin since 2012
- Founder & CEO of Adamant Capital
- Blogs on Medium and on Twitter is @TuurDemeester.
- Originally from Belgium, resides in Austin, TX
- Wayne Vaughan
- Founder/CEO Tierion
- Advisor Blockchain Capital
- Director DIF (Decentralized Identity Foundation)
- Blogs on Medium and on Twitter is @WayneVaughan.
- Resides in the Bay Area of California USA
We encourage public contributions through issues and pull requests! Please review for details on our development process. All contributions to this repository require a GPG signed Contributor License Agreement.
We want to keep all of our software safe for everyone. If you have discovered a security vulnerability, we appreciate your help in disclosing it to us in a responsible manner. We are unfortunately not able to offer bug bounties at this time.
We do ask that you offer us good faith and use best efforts not to leak information or harm any user, their data, or our developer community. Please give us a reasonable amount of time to fix the issue before you publish it. Do not defraud our users or us in the process of discovery. We promise not to bring legal action against researchers who point out a problem provided they do their best to follow the these guidelines.
Please report suspected security vulnerabilities in private via email to [email protected] (do not use this email for support). Please do NOT create publicly viewable issues for suspected security vulnerabilities.
The following keys may be used to communicate sensitive information to developers:
Name | Fingerprint |
Christopher Allen | FDFE 14A5 4ECB 30FC 5D22 74EF F8D3 6C91 3574 05ED |
You can import a key by running the following command with that individual’s fingerprint: gpg --recv-keys "<fingerprint>"
Ensure that you put quotes around fingerprints that contain spaces.
- 2020-12: Community README standardized
- 2020-08: Community README updated
- 2018-05: Community repository started on Github