It is a compilation of Docker compose files for starting TON node, API, database, indexer and NGinx.
In this project ton-compose file deploys a TON node on the host network. Other applications are deploying by docker-compose file that will be generated during deploying.
The scheme of connections between containers:
Before start you should write in the ton.env file all config params for a project and style it without backspaces. After that you can start building and deploying project:
This will firstly build TON project and put it in different containers. The TON node will start first because we need public keys to connect.
If you need to stop Docker containers you can simply print:
Attention: this will delete all volumes with collected data! If you don't need to delete it, just execute:
docker-compose -f "ton-compose.yaml" down && \
docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yaml" down
See for more information.
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