Welcome to my online learning repository! This repository contains courses that I am currently learning or have completed in the past.
The purpose of this repository is to document my journey of learning and to share my knowledge with others who may be interested in the same topics.
- Course Name: AI For Everyone
- Time-line: May 01 - May 24
- More details: Introductory level Course.
- Course Name: MIT Python
- Time-line: Date of starting and expected completion date
- More details: A brief description of the course and what you hope to achieve from it.
- Course Name: [Name of course](Link to course)
- Time-line: Date of starting and expected completion date
- More details: A brief description of the course and what you hope to achieve from it.
- Course Name: [Name of course](Link to course)
- Time-line: Date of starting and expected completion date
- More details: A brief description of the course and what you hope to achieve from it.
- Course Name: [Name of course](Link to course)
- Time-line: Date of starting and expected completion date
- More details: A brief description of the course and what you hope to achieve from it.
- Course Name: [Name of course](Link to course)
- Time-line: Date of starting and expected completion date
- More details: A brief description of the course and what you hope to achieve from it.
- Course Name: [Name of course](Link to course)
- Time-line: Date of starting and completion date
- More details: A brief description of the course and what you learned from it.
- Course Name: [Name of course](Link to course)
- Time-line: Date of starting and completion date
- More details: A brief description of the course and what you hope to achieve from it.
- Data Science and Analytics
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Machine Learning
- Web3
- Blockchain
- Add more completed courses
- Update progress on currently learning courses
- Explore new topics and add to the want to learn list
- Refactor and improve existing documentation
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
If you have any questions or suggestions about this repository, feel free to contact me at your-email-address.