Let's create commons to make the environmental impact assessment of digital products, services and systems more reliable, easier and more open.
- πΎ Boavizta repository
- Datavizta
- π οΈ Boaviztapi
- Boagent
- π°οΈ Cloud-scanner
- π Energizta
- π Eco-benchmark
- Cloud-bill
Language : Python, CSV
github : https://github.com/Boavizta/environmental-footprint-data/blob/main/tools/spiders/README.md
Language : TypeScript, CSS, HTML
Framework : Svelte
github : https://github.com/Boavizta/boavizta-front
Give access to BOAVIZTA reference data and methodologies throught a RESTful API
Language : Python
Framework : FastAPI
- Evaluation of manufacture impacts
- Evaluation of usage impacts
- Multiple impacts types (gwp, adp, pe)
- Multiple components (CPU, RAM, SSD, ...)
- Multiple devices (Server, Cloud, more to come)
- Auto-completion of missing values
- Modelization of components, server and cloud energy consumption
V0.2 :
- Code refactoring
- Model the energy consumption of CPU, RAM, Server & cloud instances
- Complete CPU data from name
- Rust & python SDK
V0.3 :
- Add the impacts of IoT devices
- Add multiple source of impacts factors (electicity map, research paper, ...)
- Add new component (GPU, HDD)
- Automate the collection of of components', devices' and cloud instances' characteristics
V0.4 :
- Model the electrical consumption from Energizta
V1 :
- Test covorage of 95%
- Code quality process
github : https://github.com/Boavizta/boaviztapi
documentation : https://doc.dev.api.boavizta.org/
demo api : https://dev.api.boavizta.org/docs
Language : python
github : https://github.com/Boavizta/boagent
Cloud-scanner returns environmental impacts of your AWS Instances usage.
Main objective is to give a more realistic view of impacts compared to what is natively returned in the dashboards of cloud providers, who often rely on carbon compensation mechanism or unclear methodology to display what we consider unrealistically low impacts.
Cloud scanner combines real time usage data from your AWS account with Boavizta API to offer a global view of your impacts. It will later be enriched to cover other cloud providers.
Language : Rust + AWS SDK
Generate real time metrics (json or prometheus) that can be displayed in dashboards.
Fine granularity: provide filtering (on tags) to ease attribution to a service or application.
Cloud-scanner can be used:
- from command line π» (for a quick one-shot assessment)
- as a server application (for continuous monitoring)β‘
See full documentation: Introduction - Boavizta cloud scanner π‘
- December 2022: first public release targeting AWS EC2 instances.
- 2023:
- Communicate on the tool (short video demo + article + Social Media posts)
- Call to contributions:
- Gather feedback by testing it in in multiple real world accounts
- Improve doc
- Compare results with outputs from Cloud Carbon Footprint
- Follow evolutions of Boavizta API (error margin a.s.o.)
- Add support for serverless (lambda) estimations
- Add a custom dashboard (using the new sveltejs components)
- Add support for OVH instances
- Add support for Azure
- Tech debt: use a better serverless plugin + change API SDK generation tool.
- Implement a module for terraform to help estimate future impacts prior to deployment (Maybe this means a separate dedicated projet).
- 2024:
- Add the possibility to simulate impacts of an arbitrary inventory
- Add support for Azure
- Add object storage support (s3 like)
- Integration with K8s usage data
- Add impacts of GPU's (for AI/ML workloads)
- Improve documentation
See also:
- github : https://github.com/Boavizta/cloud-scanner
- documentation: https://boavizta.github.io/cloud-scanner/
Language : Bash, Python
github : https://github.com/Boavizta/Energizta
Highlight the main way to achieve a sustainable design on a BackEnd API.
For tech leaders ande developers.
Language : Ansible, Javascript
Language : All
- Measure auotmation
- go-pgx
- jvm-kotlin-spring
- node-express-sequelize
- php-symfony-apache-dev
- rust-actix-native
- rust-sqlx-native
- rust-axum-native
January 2022
- Measurement infrastructure
- Automated test to validate service behavior.
- Preload database
- Services
- php-symfony-apache-prod
- php-symfony-apache-nginx
- ruby-on-rails
- Measurement infrastructure
- Measurement infrastructure
- Connection pool harmonization.
- Services
- Python use case
- Design variant
- grpc protocole
- Measurement infrastructure
@youenchene & @jdrouet
github : https://github.com/Boavizta/ecobenchmark-applicationweb-backend
How to Contribute : https://github.com/Boavizta/ecobenchmark-applicationweb-backend/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md
Language : python
Estimate impacts of a cloud account using billing or reports informations.
Initiated mid 2022 during Boavizta hackatons.
β On hold, no recent developments.