Noise generation library for Java, based on the libnoise C++ library by Jason Bevins. It is used to generate coherent noise, a type of smoothly-changing noise. It can also generate Perlin noise, ridged multifractal noise, and other types of coherent noise.
- Source
- Issues
- Community Discord
- Development IRC: [#spongedev on]
- Java 8
In order to build math you simply need to run the ./gradlew build
command. You can find the compiled JAR file in ./build/libs
labeled similarly to 'noise-x.x.x-SNAPSHOT.jar'.
Are you a talented programmer looking to contribute some code? We'd love the help!
- Open a pull request with your changes, following our guidelines.
If you're using Gradle to manage project dependencies, simply include the following in your build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
url ''
dependencies {
implementation 'org.spongepowered:noise:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
If you're using Maven to manage project dependencies, simply include the following in your pom.xml