Server Status Bot built for the DMG discord server, using the Discord.js API.
Displays relevant information about the DMG Garry's Mod servers through the use of constantly updating channel names.
!tttinvite: Announces current player count and map in the TTT server, along with a direct invite link.
!potinvite: Announces current player count and map in the Potpourri server, along with a direct invite link.
!apply Command to apply for a staff position. Replace with your own reason for joining the staff team. The bot walks the user through the process
!tttplayers: DM's the list of the current TTT players.
!potplayers: DM's the list of the current Potpourri players.
!help: DM's the list of commands.
!apps: Enable or disable the !apply command.
!botinfo: Display the credits.
Built by Bonzo and John for the DMG Discord.