This utility provide a way to manage your blynk server from Command-Line Interface (CLI).
This is a work in progress and fully experimental utility. You should not try to use it in production.
Docs are available on :
Please, make sure your configuration respect the following pre-requisite:
- Java 8
- NodeJS >= 4.6.1
- npm (or alike)
You can install Blynk CLI with NPM:
$ npm install -g blynk-cli
Once Blynk CLI installed, you can show help about existing commands by typing:
$ blynk-cli
# OR
$ blynk-cli help
# OR
$ blynk-cli --help
Once Blynk CLI installed, you'll have to install Blynk server by running:
$ blynk-cli server install
[INFO] Downloading Blynk server v0.24.5
[INFO] Creating default configuration
[OK] Installation complete
You can update Blynk Server to the latest version by running:
$ blynk-cli server update
[INFO] Update v0.24.6 available. Downloading...
[OK] Update complete
[OK] Backup done! You can find it in /home/booteille/.blynkcli/backup/auto-update/b1045268-2f32-4e24-85a3-fb740266d417
$ blynk-cli server start
$ blynk-cli server status # Display status of Blynk server
$ blynk-cli server stop
$ blynk-cli server restart
You can backup your data folder by typing:
$ blynkcli backup create BACKUP
[OK] Backup done! You can find it in /home/booteille/.blynkcli/backup/BACKUP/cee3acd3-1190-4501-bfc1-ba10423c1a07
The backup generated is located in the folder you designed in your Blynk CLI configuration.
As you can see in this example, the generated backup is located under BACKUP/cee3acd3-1190-4501-bfc1-ba10423c1a07
Each backup have an Unique Identifier giving ablity to give the same name to different backups.
You can retrieve backup informations in the file backups.lock
located in your Backups folder.
Here is what generated the backup we created before:
$ cat /home/booteille/.blynkcli/backup/backups.lock
"name": "BACKUP",
"uuid": "cee3acd3-1190-4501-bfc1-ba10423c1a07",
"date": "Thu Jun 01 2017 15:46:50 GMT+0200 (CEST)",
"server_version": "v0.24.6"
If you want to restore your data folder from a desired backup, you have to type:
$ blynkcli backup restore BACKUP
[OK] Restored from backup /home/booteille/.blynkcli/backup/BACKUP/cee3acd3-1190-4501-bfc1-ba10423c1a07
Now. Admit we have backups under the same name:
$ blynkcli backup restore BACKUP
[WARN] There are 2 backup found with corresponding names:
BACKUP/812de666-6d21-4f36-8877-cc1f775dab73 Thu Jun 01 2017 15:58:44 GMT+0200 (CEST)
BACKUP/cee3acd3-1190-4501-bfc1-ba10423c1a07 Thu Jun 01 2017 15:46:50 GMT+0200 (CEST)
[ERR] Please, retry with one of these backups
Think about the backup you want to restore then type the full name (or at least first characters of uuid) to get your restoration:
$ blynkcli backup restore BACKUP/812
[OK] Restored from backup /home/booteille/.blynkcli/backup/BACKUP/812de666-6d21-4f36-8877-cc1f775dab73
You can also restore your backup from the uuid:
$ blynkcli backup restore /cee
[OK] Restored from backup /home/booteille/.blynkcli/backup/BACKUP/cee3acd3-1190-4501-bfc1-ba10423c1a07
You can add a new user by typing:
$ blynkcli user add
? Email: [email protected]
? Password: [hidden]
? Confirm your password: [hidden]
? Is super admin? true
[OK] User [email protected] added
You can change an user property by typing:
$ blynkcli user set [email protected] energy 15000
[OK] Property energy set to 15000
[WARN] You must restart the server to apply the effect
Now we can check the new value:
$ blynkcli user get [email protected] energy
energy: 15000
blynkcli user clone-projects [email protected] [email protected]
[OK] [email protected] projects cloned from [email protected]
[WARN] You must restart the server to apply the effect
[OK] Backup done! You can find it in /home/sephir/.blynkcli/backup/auto-cloneProfile/07221e9e-3f09-46dc-914a-
blynkcli user password [email protected]
? Password: [hidden]
? Confirm your password: [hidden]
[WARN] You must restart the server to apply the effect