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The League Sandbox project's game server

Project website along with more specifications can be fround from:
Project chat on Discord:
Project board on Waffle:


We're looking for people interested in contributing to the project.
Currently the technologies we use include:

  • C#
  • Lua
  • Electron
  • Node.js
  • Angular

For more detailed project specifications head over to
If you're interested in contributing, come find us from Discord and let us know

Setup guide

Running the client

Currently there are two options for launching the client.

Launching from command line

start "" "Path/To/Your/League420/RADS/solutions/lol_game_client_sln/releases/ of Legends.exe" "8394" "LoLLauncher.exe" "" " 5119 17BLOhi6KZsTtldTsizvHg== 1"

Using a launcher created by TheWebs

  1. Clone the launcher's repository from
  2. Build it
  3. Copy the built launcher and it's dependencies to the game server's build folder GameServer/bin/Debug/
  4. Run it

Project policies

  • Line length should be 120 characters maximum whenever possible (use Editor Guidelines plugin for a ruler)
  • No StyleCop warnings should be present in new code
  • No pushing/committing to master—all changes must go through pull requests
  • Don't merge your own pull requests—get someone else to review/merge it
  • Pull requests should not be merged before the build has passed
    • If the build fails, ping the pull request creator and tell him to fix it
  • Files and folders in PascalCase
  • JSON dictionary keys in PascalCase

C# guidelines

  • Function names in PascalCase
  • Constants in ALL_CAPS
  • Private variables in _camelCaseWithUnderscore
  • Public properties as getters / setters in PascalCase
  • All public variable access should happen through getters / setters
  • Regions shouldn't be used, instead split code into classes/files when needed
  • Dictionaries preferred over switches and long if/else statements
  • Boolean variable names should be prefixed with a question (is/can/should)
  • Conditional operator should be avoided. condition ? option1 : option2
    • This is fine to use in some niche cases where you can't avoid using it

Development flow

  1. Pull latest version of master
    • git fetch -p
    • git pull origin master
  2. Checkout to a new branch
    • git checkout -b <branch_name>
  3. Make changes, do commits
    • git status - List of changed files
    • git add <filename> - Stage file for commit
    • git add -u - Stage all updated files for commit
    • git add -A - Stage all unstaged files for commit
    • git commit -m "<commit message>" - Create commit
  4. Push to github
    • git push origin <branch_name>
  5. Create pull request
  6. Checkout back to master
    • git checkout master
  7. Repeat


League Sandbox's Game Server







No releases published


No packages published


  • C# 89.5%
  • Lua 10.5%