[CSCI 235] Project 4
This maze solver will read the maze from an input file - , find a path that leads to the exit and print the solution to the standard output (solution = maze with highlighted path from start position to exit).
- '_': a hallway
- '*': a wall
- '$': an exit
- '>': a PATH towards the exit
- '@': a location that has been visited and then backtracked out of on the solution
- 'X': a location that has been visited on the maze
- 1 Instrution file (Project4.pdf)
- 1 Excutable file (p)
- 1 Header file (MazeSolver.h)
- 1 Main file (Main.cpp)
- 1 Cpp file (MazeSolver.cpp)
- 5 Input files which are different maze styles
- Input.txt: 8x8 maze
- InputB.txt: 16x4
- InputC.txt: 4x3
- InputD.txt: 6x6
- InputE.txt: 8x8
Open the terminal and go to your directory where downloded this folder.
Type ./p
To see diffrent maze, need to modify Main.cpp:
- MazeSolver solver("Input.txt"); // type any file name like InputB.txt instead of "Input.txt".