Telemanipulation using Leap Motion devices on a ROS Panda robot.
1x Leap Motion Controller
Install The required software.
Follow ROS tutorials on setting up a catkin workspace.
Install Leap Motion SDK and MoveIt! package into catkin workspace and build with 'catkin make'.
Download the application script '' and place it into a new folder within catkin/src/moveit_tutorials.
Navigate to the script location and make it executable with 'sudo chmod +x'.
Terminal -> sudo Leapd
Terminal -> roscore
Terminal -> roslaunch leap_motion demo.launch
Terminal -> roslaunch panda_moveit_config demo.launch
Terminal -> rosrun moveit_tutorials
Use right hand to move robot. Use GUI reset button to move robot back to original position.
Control robot gripper with left hand pinch gesture. (Thumb and Index)
(Optional) Terminal -> LeapControlPanel
Edit dpRound value to change hand movement threshold.
self.dpRound = 1 #3 Decimal Points for Rounding