vmanalyzer is a simple python program to use whisper ai on each wav file in the directory the program is in.
vmanalyzer2 is a Tkinter GUI to use Whisper AI tiny english model to transcribe all of the wav files in the current directory (where the vmanalyzer2.py is located) then output the transcription onto a new window.
The following dependencies need to be installed: -Python https://www.python.org/ -Pytorch https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/ -FFMPEG https://ffmpeg.org/ -Whisper AI https://github.com/openai/whisper -Pillow Fork of Python Image Library
Recommended installation on Windows Python: Navigate to https://www.python.org/ and download the current verison of python. Once downloaded open the python installation file. MAKE SURE TO ADD PYTHON TO PATH
PyTorch: After python is installed, open an elevated command prompt or PowerShell. Copy and past the following and hit enter to run: pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu117
FFMPEG: Follow the directions at https://chocolatey.org/install to install the package manager Chocolatey. Once Chocolately is installed open an elevated command prompt or PowerShell, the copy and paste the following and hit enter to run: choco install ffmpeg
Whisper AI: Open an elevated command prompt or PowerShell, then copy and past the following and hit enter to run: pip install openai-whisper
Pillow: Open an elevated command prompt or PowerShell, then copy and paste the following and hit enter to run: pip install pillow
How to Use vmanalyzer and vmanalyzer2: On the main github page https://github.com/BrandonNatelli/vmanalyzer click on the green 'code' button then select 'Download ZIP.' Select your preferred download location and complete the brower prompt to download. Navigate to the file you downloaded the zip to. Unzip the folder into a location that you prefer.
How to Use vmanalyzer2: Place the voicemail .wav files into the same folder that vmanalyzer2 is located. Open vmanalyzer2 and follow the prompts on the winodw that opens.