Closed issues
- Enable getting profiles from scenario in Execute state (#522)
Merged pull requests (features)
- access onshore and offshore wind profiles (#505) @kasparm
- support getting profiles from execute state (#523) @jon-hagg
- support passing extract_data for container and local simulations (#525) @jon-hagg
- make build_supply_curve work with any combinations of generation types (#533) @BainanXia
Merged pull requests (fixes, etc.)
- rename function (#518) @rouille
- fix N818 warning from pep8-naming (#519) @jon-hagg
- create class variables for supported models and engines (#517) @goccert25
- update Scenario documentation to reflect simpler syntax (#521) @danielolsen
- fix typos in docstrings (#524) @danielolsen
- add clp to list of allowed sovlers (#526) @danielolsen
- add get_base_grid() to states (#528) @goccert25
- use setup.cfg (#530) @jon-hagg
- add workflow to build and upload package (#531) @jon-hagg
- simplify data access using pyfilesystem (#520) @jon-hagg
- bump version number to to v0.4.4 (#535) @rouille