Orbital (CP2106: Independent Software Development Project) is the School of Computing’s 1st year summer self-directed, independent work course.
Our website, FRIENDnus is created using React JS framework and Firebase database to help tertiary students connect to one another and build a stronger student community in this tough time of Covid-19.
In light of Covid-19, we want to build a strong support system in the community so that we can rely on one another. We hope to bridge the lack of Social Interaction and build meaningful connections using an interactive web application for students to meet peers traversing into similar endeavors.
- Firebase
- React JS
- Node JS
- Sign-up and Login functions which involve the creation of profile
- Sign-up which includes personal information such as email, name, phone number, password.
- Handle common users issues such as forgotton passwords and password reset.
- Minimum requirement of 6 alpha-numeric password and unique email.
- Match with other students with similar interests
- Algorithm to match with other users of similar interests.
- Able to add others as friend only after chatting to encourage interactions.
- Only able to add friends into groups to encourage interactions and prevent unexpected disruption from bots and strangers.
- Chat functions for both group and personal chat.
Hosted on Fiebase: https://orbital-face6.web.app/login