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Simple hangman game made with Elixir and Phoenix LiveView

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A simple hangman game built with Elixir and Phoenix LiveView. In future I would like this to be a game Twitch streamers can play with their viewers.

How It Works

lib/hangman contains all the game-specific code, which is essentially just the Hangman.Game module for now. In future, I would like game state to be stored in a GenServer that can share its data with multiple clients.

lib/hangman-web contains the client code that produces the user interface. page_live.html.leex is the single view that renders different output depending on @game.state. While a game is in progress, @game.guesses is mapped into the buttons that allow the user to guess letters, with simple <p> tags rendered if Map.get(guesses, letter) is true. Interactions with the buttons are handled by page_live.ex, which call Game.guess_letter with the current game object to handle letter guessing.

Deploying is managed by Dokku running on a Digital Ocean Droplet. Every push to the master branch triggers a GitHub Action that deploys the updated code to Dokku.

There is still a lot of cleanup and refactoring that can be done to this code, as I am new to Elixir and functional programming with pattern matching. I aim to work on this project as a service to those who may enjoy it and also to sharpen my skills with Elixir and Phoenix.