To create a personal board game library that allows the user(me) to add their board games and then uses sorts and filters to help the user choose a game to play.
##Who is the target audience (can be just yourself)? Me for now, if I have the time to I can add in a users table with authorization so that other board gamers can build their libraries.
##What are your personal learning goals?
- To get more comfortable with APIs and Javascript.
- To streamline my database building process.
- To get more comfortable with CSS and create something I am proud of.
##What technologies/frameworks/patterns will you be employing?
- Rails
- Javascript
- TDD - tests for Ruby
##What are the tech and/or skill dependencies of your project?
- SQLite3
- HTTParty
- RSpec
##What does success look like for this project? What does done mean?
- user is able to add new games
- user is able to sort and filter games by playtime and number of players
- able to access BGG scores for all games using the BGG API