In West Africa, newborns are given special names depending on the day they are born. Diverse ethnicities have variants and meanings as a symbol of cultural integrity and ancestral affiliation.
This site takes in the user's birthday and finds the day of week they were bor on. Based on that it calculates your Akan name.
The site was published on GitHub Pages.
- Clone this repository.
- Open the project directory.
- Run index.html on your browser.
- Alternatively, view on GitHub Pages.
User inputs date of birth on provided form and select a gender.
On submit:
//call checkInput() to validate input
//set day of week
dayOfWeek = setDayOfWeek();
//pass value of day of week to get akan name
checking Input:
function clientSideValidation() {
//get user input
if(conditions on invalid input) {
//function to set error message
} else {
//set success message
//validate input
get day of week:
function getDayOfWeek() {
//run set of mathematical functions to get what day of the week
get Akan name:
function getAkanName() {
//functions to get the akan name from an array
//update html form to display result
Behavioral specifications:
Title: Get Akan name
As a user.
I want to I input my date of birth.
so that I can get my Akan name
Scenario 1: Male user
Given that I am male
and I was born on 14/2/1998
when I input my date of birth
and I select my gender as Male.
then I should get my akan name is Kwame
and I was born on a Saturday.
Scenario 2: Female user
Given that I am female
and I was born on 25/5/1989
when I input my date of birth
and I select my gender as Female.
then I should get my akan name is Yaa
and I was born on a Thursday.
Scenario 3: Fail to select genger.
Given that I am female
and I was born on 25/5/1989
when I input my date of birth
and I fail to select my gender as Female.
then I should get an error message.
Scenario 4: Dates before October 1582.
Given that I want to know the Akan name of someone born before 1582 when I input my date of birth
and I fail to select my gender as Female.
then I should not get an error because the Gregorian system wasnt invented
E-mail: [email protected]
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- Git
Copyright © 2020 Brian N Weloba