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Cracking the monolith with Consul and Nomad

This repo covers how to set up a cluster running both Consul and Nomad and use it to deploy the HashiCups application.

There are several jobspec files for the application and each one builds on the previous, moving away from the monolithic design and towards microservices.

The home page of the HashiCups UI



  1. Build the cluster
  2. Set up Consul and Nomad access
  3. Deploy the initial HashiCups application
  4. Deploy HashiCups with Consul service discovery and DNS on a single VM
  5. Deploy HashiCups with Consul service discovery and DNS on multiple VMs
  6. Deploy HashiCups with service mesh and API gateway
  7. Scale the HashiCups application
  8. Cleanup jobs and infrastructure

1. Build the cluster

Begin by creating the machine image with Packer.

Update the variables file for Packer

Change into the aws directory.

cd aws

Rename variables.hcl.example to variables.hcl and open it in your text editor.

cp variables.hcl.example variables.hcl

Update the region variable with your preferred AWS region. In this example, the region is us-east-1. The remaining variables are for Terraform and you can update them after building the AMI.

# Packer variables (all are required)
region          = "us-east-1"


Build the AMI

Initialize Packer to download the required plugins.

packer init image.pkr.hcl

Build the image and provide the variables file with the -var-file flag.

packer build -var-file=variables.hcl image.pkr.hcl

Example output from the above command.

Build 'amazon-ebs' finished after 14 minutes 32 seconds.

==> Wait completed after 14 minutes 32 seconds

==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> amazon-ebs: AMIs were created:
us-east-1: ami-0445eeea5e1406960

Update the variables file for Terraform

Open variables.hcl in your text editor and update the ami variable with the value output from the Packer build. In this example, the value is ami-0445eeea5e1406960.

# Packer variables (all are required)
region                    = "us-east-1"

# Terraform variables (all are required)
ami                       = "ami-0b2d23848882ae42d"

Setup Consul server name

The Terraform code uses the Consul Terraform provider to create Consul ACL tokens.

Consul is configured with TLS encryption and to trust the certificate provided by the Consul servers. The Consul Terraform provider requires the CONSUL_TLS_SERVER_NAME environment variable to be set.

The Terraform code defaults the datacenter and domain variables in variables.hcl to dc1 and global so CONSUL_TLS_SERVER_NAME will be

You can update these variables with other values. If you do, be sure to also update the CONSUL_TLS_SERVER_NAME variable.

Export the CONSUL_TLS_SERVER_NAME environment variable.


Deploy the datacenter

Initialize the Terraform configuration to download the necessary providers and modules.

terraform init

Provision the resources and provide the variables file with the -var-file flag. Respond yes to the prompt to confirm the operation.

terraform apply -var-file=variables.hcl

From the Terraform output you can retrieve the links to connect to your newly created datacenter.

Apply complete! Resources: 85 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


Configure-local-environment = "source ./datacenter.env"
Consul_UI = ""
Consul_UI_token = <sensitive>
Nomad_UI = ""
Nomad_UI_token = <sensitive>

2. Set up Consul and Nomad access

Once Terraform finishes creating the infrastructure, you can set up access to Consul and Nomad from your local environment.

Run the datacenter.env script to set Consul and Nomad environment variables with values from the infrastructure Terraform created.

source ./datacenter.env

Open the Consul UI with the URL in the Consul_UI Terraform output variable and log in with the token in the Consul_UI_token output variable. You will need to trust the certificate in your browser.

Open the Nomad UI and log in with the ui -autheticate command. You can alternatively open the Nomad UI with the IP in Nomad_UI and log in with Nomad_UI_token.

nomad ui -authenticate

Test connectivity to the Nomad cluster from your local environment.

nomad server members

3. Deploy initial HashiCups application

HashiCups represents a monolithic application that has been broken apart into separate services and configured to run with Docker Compose. The initial version is a translation of the fictional Docker Compose file to a Nomad jobspec. The services and their relationships are shown in the diagram below.

HashiCups service diagram showing relationships between the services

This jobspec, named 01.hashicups.nomad.hcl, has the following attributes:

  • All services run on the same VM (the Nomad public client node)
  • Services are configured to use the Nomad client IP address or localhost
  • No service health monitoring
  • No scaling of services
  • No secure connection (HTTPS)

The first design of HashiCups running on a single Nomad public client

Change to the jobs directory.

cd ../shared/jobs

Submit the job to Nomad.

nomad job run 01.hashicups.nomad.hcl

View the application by navigating to the public IP address of the NGINX service endpoint. This compound command finds the node on which the hashicups allocation is running (nomad job allocs) and uses the ID of the found node to retrieve the public IP address of the node (nomad node status). It then formats the output with the HTTP protocol.

nomad node status -verbose \
    $(nomad job allocs hashicups | grep -i running | awk '{print $2}') | \
    grep -i public-ipv4 | awk -F "=" '{print $2}' | xargs | \
    awk '{print "http://"$1}'

Example output from the above command.

Copy the IP address and open it in your browser. You do not need to specify a port as NGINX is running on port 80.

Stop the deployment when you are ready to move on. The -purge flag removes the job from the UI.

nomad job stop -purge hashicups

4. Deploy HashiCups with Consul service discovery on a single VM

This jobspec, named 02.hashicups.nomad.hcl, integrates Consul and has the following attributes:

  • All services run on the same VM (the Nomad public client node)
  • Services are registered in Consul
  • Health checks have been implemented
  • Services use Consul DNS (<service>.service.<datacenter>.<domain>)
  • No scaling of services
  • No secure connection (HTTPS)

The second design of HashiCups running on a single Nomad public client with Consul service discovery

Submit the job to Nomad.

nomad job run 02.hashicups.nomad.hcl

Open the Consul UI and navigate to the Services page to see that each microservice is now registered in Consul with health checks.

Click on the nginx service and then click on the instance name to view the instance details page. Copy the public hostname in the top right corner of the page and open it in your browser to see the application.

Stop the deployment when you are ready to move on.

nomad job stop -purge hashicups

5. Deploy HashiCups with Consul service discovery on multiple VMs

This jobspec, named 03.hashicups.nomad.hcl, has the following attributes:

  • Job has been split into multiple groups with each one containing one application service
  • Services are configured with constraints to now run on either the public Nomad node (Nginx) or private nodes (all other services)
  • Services use Consul DNS (<service>.service.<datacenter>.<domain>)
  • No scaling of services
  • No secure connection (HTTPS)

The third design of HashiCups running on multiple Nomad clients with Consul service discovery

Submit the job to Nomad.

nomad job run 03.hashicups.nomad.hcl

Open the Consul UI and navigate to the Services page to see that each microservice is now registered in Consul with health checks.

Click on the nginx service and then click on the instance name to view the instance details page. Copy the public hostname in the top right corner of the page and open it in your browser to see the application.

Open the Nomad UI and navigate to the Topology page from the left navigation to see that the NGINX service is running on a different node than the other services.

Stop the deployment when you are ready to move on.

nomad job stop -purge hashicups

6. Deploy HashiCups with service mesh and API gateway

This jobspec, named 04.hashicups.nomad.hcl, has the following attributes:

  • All services now run on Nomad private client nodes
  • Consul service mesh integration with upstream service configurations
  • An API gateway has been added and runs on the Nomad public client node
  • Nomad Workload Identity is used to automatically generate ACL tokens for the API gateway
  • Consul service intentions have been added
  • Secure connections with custom TLS certificates and mTLS with Envoy proxy (services now use localhost)

Additional configurations for the API gateway and service intentions exist in the shared/jobs directory and include, 04.api-gateway.nomad.hcl, and

The fourth design of HashiCups running on multiple Nomad clients with Consul service mesh and API gateway

Set up the API gateway configurations in Consul.


Set up the service intentions in Consul to allow the necessary services to communicate with each other.


Submit the API gateway job to Nomad.

nomad job run 04.api-gateway.nomad.hcl

Submit the HashiCups job to Nomad.

nomad job run 04.hashicups.nomad.hcl

Open the Consul UI and navigate to the Services page to see that each microservice and the API gateway service are registered in Consul.

View the application by navigating to the public IP address of the API gateway. Note the --namespace flag; the API gateway is running in another namespace. You will need to trust the certificate in your browser.

nomad node status -verbose \
    $(nomad job allocs --namespace=ingress api-gateway | grep -i running | awk '{print $2}') | \
    grep -i public-ipv4 | awk -F "=" '{print $2}' | xargs | \
    awk '{print "https://"$1":8443"}'

Example output from the above command.

Stop the deployment when you are ready to move on.

nomad job stop -purge hashicups

7. Scale the HashiCups application

This jobspec, named 05.hashicups.nomad.hcl, is the same as the previous one with the API gateway and service mesh but also has the following attribute:

  • The frontend service contains a scaling block to allow the Nomad Autoscaler to automatically scale the service based on traffic load

Additional configurations for the Nomad Autoscaler exist in the shared/jobs directory and include and 05.autoscaler.nomad.hcl.

The fifth design of HashiCups running on multiple Nomad clients with autoscaling enabled for the frontend service

The Nomad Autoscaler is a separate service and is run here as a Nomad job.

Set up the Nomad Autoscaler and submit the jobs

Run the autoscaler configuration script.


Submit the autoscaler job to Nomad.

nomad job run 05.autoscaler.nomad.hcl

Submit the HashiCups job to Nomad.

nomad job run 05.hashicups.nomad.hcl

View the HashiCups application

View the application by navigating to the public IP address of the API gateway. Note the --namespace flag; the API gateway is running in another namespace. You will need to trust the certificate in your browser.

nomad node status -verbose \
    $(nomad job allocs --namespace=ingress api-gateway | grep -i running | awk '{print $2}') | \
    grep -i public-ipv4 | awk -F "=" '{print $2}' | xargs | \
    awk '{print "https://"$1":8443"}'

Example output from the above command.

Scale the frontend service

Get the public address of the API gateway again and export it as the environment variable API_GW.

nomad node status -verbose \
    $(nomad job allocs --namespace=ingress api-gateway | grep -i running | awk '{print $2}') | \
    grep -i public-ipv4 | awk -F "=" '{print $2}' | xargs | \
    awk '{print "https://"$1":8443"}' | export API_GW=$(cat)

In another browser tab, open the Nomad UI, click on the hashicups job name, and then click on the frontend task from within the Task Groups list. This page will display a graph that shows scaling events at the bottom of the page. Keep this page open so you can reference it when scaling starts.

Run the load test script and observe the graph on the frontend task page in the Nomad UI. Note that additional allocations are created as the autoscaler scales the frontend service up and then removed as the autoscaler scales it back down.

./ $API_GW

Open up the terminal session from where you submitted the jobs and stop the deployment when you are ready to move on.

nomad job stop -purge hashicups

8. Cleanup

Clean up jobs

Stop and purge the hashicups and autoscaler jobs. The nomad job stop command can accept more than one job.

nomad job stop -purge hashicups autoscaler

Stop and purge the api-gateway job. Note that it runs in a different namespace.

nomad job stop -purge --namespace ingress api-gateway

Destroy infrastructure

Change to the aws directory.

cd ../../aws

Run the script to unset local environment variables.

source ../shared/scripts/

Use terraform destroy to remove the provisioned infrastructure. Respond yes to the prompt to confirm removal.

terraform destroy -var-file=variables.hcl

Delete AMI and S3-store snapshots (optional)

Delete the stored AMI built using packer using the deregister-image command.

aws ec2 deregister-image --image-id ami-0445eeea5e1406960

To delete stored snapshots, first query for the snapshot using the describe-snapshots command.

aws ec2 describe-snapshots \
    --owner-ids self \
    --query "Snapshots[*].{ID:SnapshotId,Time:StartTime}"

Next, delete the stored snapshot using the delete-snapshot command by specifying the snapshot-id value.

aws ec2 delete-snapshot --snapshot-id snap-1234567890abcdef0


HashiCups jobspec files and attributes

  • Initial jobspec for HashiCups
  • Translation of fictional Docker Compose file to Nomad jobspec
  • Uses Consul service mesh
  • Defines service upstreams and mapped service ports
  • Uses localhost and Envoy proxy instead of DNS for service communication

Other jobspec files

  • Runs the API gateway on port 8443
  • Constrains the job to a public client node


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  • HCL 76.1%
  • Shell 23.9%