The client library, SDK and sample code are located in this directory.
Client here refers to an application making protected resource requests on behalf of the resource owner and with its authorization.
Note that the samples here will not work without modifications:
- you must replace YOUR_CLIENT_ID placeholders with a valid client id
- you must replace YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET placeholders with a valid client secret
- you must replace YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID placeholders with a valid Video Cloud account id
Many of these examples use a client credential registration with a scope authorizing read access to the Analytics API. Such a registration might be created as follows:
# With $BC_TOKEN (browser session cookie) and $ACCOUNT_ID (publisher account) variables:
curl -H "Authorization: BC_TOKEN $BC_TOKEN" -X POST -d 'name=example-client&maximum_scope=[{"identity":{"type":"video-cloud-account","account-id":'$ACCOUNT_ID'},"operations":["video-cloud/analytics/read"]}]'