This bash script automatically installs a LEMP Stack, MODX Advanced v2.8.1 for setup, creates a DB and DB user for MODX, and outputs the config information you need to enter including the core path. It probably needs more work.
- Nginx
- MySQL 8
- PHP 7.4
- PhpMyAdmin
- Fail2Ban
- OpenSSL
- build-essential
- curl
- nano
- wget
- lftp
- unzip
- bzip2
- arj
- nomarch
- lzop
- htop
- gcc
- git
- binutils
- libmcrypt4
- libpcre3-dev
- make
- python3
- python3-pip
- supervisor
- unattended-upgrades
- whois
- zsh
- imagemagick
- uuid-runtime
- net-tools
Contributions are welcomed and apreciated.