A small java application for RPG dice rolls and practice.
DiceRoller is a simple and lightweight java app that's designed for people playing RPGs over the internet and want to roll some dice.
Any number of people can join the server at once, with every client being shown the same result from somebody's roll after they roll it. The app also displays all the dice rolled, the results of each dice, the total modifier in the roll, the person who rolled it, and the result. Everything is shown in a simple interface.
Rolling is easy! You simply type what you're rolling in the text field and
press enter. The format you give your roll in is the same format most RPG books
write it out, following the format of number +/- number
for adding and subtracting
modifiers and +/- numberOfDice 'd' sizeOfDice
for entering dice.
Typing 1d20
rolls one 20 sided dice; typing 2d10+3
rolls two 10 sided
dice and adds a modifier of 3.
Typing a "1" in front of dice is optional; entering d10+d4-d6
adds a 10 and 4
sided dice and subtracts one 6 sided dice.
If the entry has multiple modifiers, DiceRoller will add them all together, so
is the same as entering 4d8+10
Any invalid input will be ignored by the server.
To connect, there must be a single server running. You start a server by running the DiceRoller
jar inside of the server
When you start the server, it will display the port number of the server. For others to connect, you must port forward (ugh!) that port number to the device running the DiceRoller server. Of course, if you're just connecting over a LAN you don't need to port forward.
Finally, people can connect to the server! To connect, a client will need to enter in your public IP address if they're connecting with port forwarding or the ip address of the device running the server if you didn't use port forwarding. After giving a valid username, the client is all set!
To disconnect from the server, the client simply exits out of the app window. To stop the server, exit out of the server window.