Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved
pOLT Simulator for Broadband Forum WT-451 vOMCI project
The project implements pOLT interfaces defined in WT-451 vOMCI Interface Specifications.
At its NBI pOLT implements the following interfaces:
- bbf-polt-vomci.yang ---- client and server endpoints ---- client and server filters
- generates remote-endpoint-connected/disconnected notification as defined in YMVOMCI-11
- generates bbf-xpon-onu-states:onu-state-change notification (simulation mode only)
- Client and Server that can be active simultaneously. Multiple client remote-endpoints and server listen-endpoints can be provisioned via YANG interface or using CLI commands
- Both pOLT gRPC client and pOLT gRPC server support OmciFunctionHelloSbi and OmciFunctionMessageSbi services defined in WT-451 vOMCI Interface Specifications
- Both gRPC client and gRPC server support secured and unsecured connection. By default connections are unsecured. In order to create/expect secure connection cerificate file locations must be provisioned using CLI command
- new/dropped connactions are reported using NETCONF notifications defined in YMVOMCI-11
pOLT is provided with simulation vendor sublayer (See "Vendor interface" below). This sublayer is controlled by CLI commands that allow to
- add/remove ONU. These CLI commands populate the internal data base and also provoke sending NETCONF notification bbf-xpon-onu-states:onu-state-change
- set receive-from-vOMCI handling mode. The following modes are supported:
- discard: OMCI packets received from vOMCI are silently discarded
- loopback :
- OMCI packets that don't require acknowledge (AR bit in OMCI header is not set) are silently discarded
- For every +1 packets that require acknowledge
- discard packets
- toggle AR and AK bits in packet +1 and send it back to vOMCI as if received from ONU
- onu_sim <remote_IP_address> <remote_port> [local_port]: Forward packets to/from ONU simulator via UDP socket. The packets have the following format: - char cterm_name[30] - uint16_t onu_id; // in network order -
The build machine must have gcc, g++, make, cmake and wget installed. Provided that these prerequisites are met, the build is invoked using "make" command. It will pull a number of third party packages, such as grpc, openssh, libssh, netopeer2, etc. from their repositories, build them and then build pOLT simulator. The 1st build takes a while because of those bit 3rd party packages. Once the build is complete, build artifacts are located in build/fs subdfirectory.
Either of the following commands builds polt-simulator with OB-BAA olt_adapter 1.0 YANG models support:
> make
The following command build polt-simulator with OB-BAA olt_adapter 2.0 YANG models support:
All build artifacts are created in build/fs directory. The following artifacts are relative to build/fs.
- bcmolt_netconf_server - pOLT executable implementing all the interfaces above
- - a simple shell script for starting bcmolt_netconf_server
- tr451_polt_daemon - pOLT executable implementing only gRPC and CLI interfaces above (no NETCONF/YANG)
- - a simple shell script for starting tr451_polt_daemon
- daemon_attach - a small application allowing to "attach" to a daemon running in the background and use CLI.
- lib/ - third-party packages compiled as shared libraries
- bin/ - executables provided by third-party libraries (such as sysrepoctl, etc.)
- sysrepo/ - sysrepo repository
The following commands are relative to build/fs directory.
- Start pOLT simulator
./ [parameters]
Below is output of " -help" command.
bcmolt_netconf_server [-d] [-dummy_tr385] [-log level] [-srlog level] [-tr451_polt_log level] [-syslog]
-d - debug mode. Stay in the foreground
-dummy_tr385 - Dummy TR-385 management. Register for some TR-385 events
-syslog - log to syslog
-tr451_polt_log error|info|debug TR-451 pOLT log level
-log error|info|debug - netconf server log level
-srlog error|info|debug - sysrepo log level
Parameters are self-explanatory.
"-d" is recommented because using CLI in foreground mode is more convenient starts netopeer2-server in the background.
- netopeer2-cli can be used for WT-451 NETCONF configuration. Alternatively, any other compliant netconf client can be used (for example, "Atom" by Nokia)
A few relevant netopeer2-cli commands are below
- connect --port 10830
- subscribe
- edit-config --target running --defop merge --test test-then-set --config=../../netconf_server/bbf-vomci-cli-examples/1-set-tr451-server.yc
- edit-config --target running --defop merge --test test-then-set --config=../../netconf_server/bbf-vomci-cli-examples/2-add-interfaces-olt.yc
pOLT simulator supports CLI interface with built-in help, history and TAB completion. CLI commands are organized hierarchically in directories.
- To change directory type its name or any unique abbreviation
- To execute command without changing current directory type fully qualified command name (ie /dir1/dir2/cmd)
- To return to the main directory use "/"
- To return to the parent directory use ".."
- To print help for a command use "? command"
- Command can be invoked by any unique abbreviation starting from the 1st character, or using a single character that is capitalized in command name
Below are commands that are relevant for operating pOLT simulator:
- Set logging level
whereas the relevant LOG_IDs are: POLT, NETCONF PRINT_LEVEL and FILE_LEVEL values are: DEBUG, INFO, ERROR.
- PRINT_LEVEL controls output on the screen.
- FILE_LEVEL controls output to a memory file or syslog.
- /Polt - pOLT debug directory contains the following commands. The parameters are self-explanatory:
Directory Polt/ - pOLT Debug
Set_state(2 parms): Enable/disable client/server subsystem
Endpoint_create(4 parms): Create a client/server endpoint
endpoint_Delete(2 parms): Delete a client/server endpoint
Filter(7 parms): Create a client/server filter
Auth(3 parms): Set authentication keys
sTats(0 parms): Print statistics
Onu_add(3 parms): Add ONU
oNu_delete(3 parms): Delete ONU
Inject(3 parms): Inject OMCI packet received from ONU
Rx_mode(1 parms): Set Receive handling mode
NOTE: if vOMCI instance should communicate with pOLT simulator using authenticated connection, private key and certificate location must be set using "/polt/auth" CLI command BEFORE creating the relevant client and/or server endpoint.
The following CLI commands can be either executed manually or placed in the stratup script:
#/polt/au priv_key=/certificates/vomci_privatekey.pem local_cert=/certificates/vomci.cer peer_cert=/certificates/polt.cer
/polt/set client_server=client enable=yes
#/polt/end client_server=client name=polt-simulator port=8433 host=polt-simulator
/log/n name=POLT log_level_print=DEBUG log_level_save=DEBUG
/polt/rx_mode mode=onu_sim onu_sim_ip=<ip-of-onu-simulator-container> onu_sim_port=<port-used-in-onu-simulator>
# example : /polt/rx_mode mode=onu_sim onu_sim_ip= onu_sim_port=50000
At this point polt-simulator must be provisioned
- with a client endpoint pointing to either vOMCI proxy or vOMCI
- with an endpoint filter
- with a channel-termination
Once it is done, ONU can be added using CLI command
/polt/onu_add channel_term=channeltermination.1 onu_id=2 serial_vendor_id=ABCD serial_vendor_specific=12345678
- Additional up-to-date info can be found in pOLT Simulator.
- A full featured NETCONF server capable of controlling a Broadcom OLT and connected ONUs is released on github in Broadcom pOLT NETCONF Server. It is a superset of this polt-simulator.
Implementation is split in 2 parts. The first part handles NETCONF/YANG interfaces. It is implemented as a sysrepo2 application.
Of-the-shelf netopeer2-server application handles NETCONF/YANG messages received via ssh or tls. netopeer2-server uses sysrepo2 APIs to provoke data change events.
sysrepo2 generates a series of events that are "forwarded" waiting application(s) via registered callback functions.
Application response (OK or failure with error message) is propagated by sysrepo2 back to netopeer2-server, which in turn generates NETCONF response.
"Notifications" are provoked by sysrepo2 applications and forwarded by sysrepo2 engine to netopeer2-server, similarly to responses.
The NETCONF/YANG part of TR-451 pOLT simulator is located in netconf_server/ directory
├── bcmolt_netconf_server.c
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── modules
│ ├── b64.c
│ ├── b64.h
│ ├── bbf-vomci
│ │ ├── bbf-vomci.c
│ │ ├── bbf-vomci.h
│ │ └── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── bbf-xpon-dummy
│ │ ├── bbf-xpon.c
│ │ ├── bbf-xpon.h
│ │ └── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── bcmolt_netconf_constants.h
│ ├── bcmolt_netconf_module_init.c
│ ├── bcmolt_netconf_module_init.h
│ ├── bcmolt_netconf_module_utils.c
│ ├── bcmolt_netconf_module_utils.h
│ ├── bcmolt_netconf_notifications.c
│ ├── bcmolt_netconf_notifications.h
│ └── CMakeLists.txt
File bbf-vomci.c implements WT-451 bbf-polt-vomci.yang YANG model. Other files listed above are common utilities and the "main" program.
File bbf-xpon-dummy/bbf-xpon.c is a dummy TR-385 implementation that registers for ietf-interfaces changes and OKs all changes. This module is initialized if bcm_netconf_server is started with command line option "-dummy_tr385". This dummy module is required if there is no "real" TR-385 netconf server registered with the same sysrepo2. Otherwise, all ietf-interface changes will remain in "pending" datastore and some bbf-polt-vomci notifications will fail because of references to "non-existing" interfaces.
├── <--- CLI commands
├── <--- gRPC client implementation
├── <--- Common client & server code: filters, ONU add/delete, common connection handling
├── bcm_tr451_polt.h <--- External C interface, for NETCONF server integration
├── bcm_tr451_polt_internal.h <--- Class definitions, internal functions
├── <--- gRPC server imnplementation
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── grpc_cli_examples
│ └── examples.txt
├── message_definition
... .proto files
│ ├── tr451_vomci_function_sbi_message.proto
│ └── tr451_vomci_function_sbi_service.proto
├── polt_daemon
│ ├── bcm_tr451_polt_main.c <--- "alternative" main program for gRPC-only application, without NETCONF/YANG part
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ └── <--- startup shell script
└── tr451_polt_vendor <--- vendor sub-layer
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── sim
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── <--- simulation "vendor" implementation
│ ├── <--- simulation "vendor" CLI commands
│ ├── sim_tr451_polt_vendor_internal.h
│ └── tr451_polt_vendor_specific.h <--- simulation "vendor"-specific interfaces
├── tr451_polt_for_vendor.h <--- Helper functions that "vendor" implementation is allowed to use
└── tr451_polt_vendor.h <--- Functions and interfaces that "vendor" sub-layer must implement
Although NETCONF/YANG server is implemented in C, gRPC client/server is implemented
Internally pOLT package has a vendor sub-layer for interacting with ONU via vendor-specific OLT interface. Vendor interface is defined in the following header files:
- tr451_polt_vendor/tr451_polt_vendor.h - interfaces that vendor sub-layer must implement
- tr451_polt_vendor/tr451_polt_for_vendor.h - common interfaces that vendor sub-layer can use In addition each vendor can define vendor-specific interfaces in file tr451_polt_vendor//tr451_polt_vendor_specific.h.
The only vendor interface released as Open Source is "sim" which stands for simulation.
See class-diagram.uml, class-diagram.png
The REST API starts automatically with the netconf server. The option -d must not be used. When running the REST API, the stdout of the simulator will be redirected to the stdout of the container. Cli commands can still be executed by using the input fifo /tmp/root_netconf_cli.input.
The REST API will be available on port 3001(default): "http://:3001/polt/polt_actions"
More information available in (