TR-369 Document
Release contains the specification for the User Services Platform 1.4
- Updated ResolvedPathResult Fields to clarify that R-GET.4 does not return parameters for which the Controller
does not have Read permission for. - Added Appendix VI Usage of the Register Operation to define the Rules related to USP Services Registering data model paths.
- Added TLS Support to the UDS MTP impacting Section Handling Failures to Deliver USP Records with new requirements
(R-UDS.23a and R-UDS.23b) and updates to Appendix V1 Basic Solution Concepts. - Expanded Error Codes Section Applicability to multiple error codes from Error Message to Any, to send an
operate response rather than USP error. - Updated GetSupportedDM Request Fields Section to expand the Register Message for Commands, Events, and Parameters. Updated
Definitions Section with new definitions for Command Path and Event Path. - Updated R-OPR.4 and R-OPR.5 to align with R-OPR.1.
- Updated Appendix 1 Basic Solution Concepts Section to define that the Execution Environment is no longer static,
and is managed via USP Software Module Management. - Updated Handling of WebSocket Frames Section adding R-WS.14b to discourage the use of WebSocket fragmentation.
- Updated Handling of the WebSocket Session Section adding note to R-WS.8 to clarify the encoding of USP Endpoint ID
for URI use. - Opened up the OUI definition and Use of authorityscheme and authorityid Section R-ARC.2a to allow for not only the old
24-bit OUIs but to also allow for 36-bit OUIs. - Updated OnBoardRequest Section to state that the OnBoardRequest notification MUST be sent with send_resp=true,
which included updates to R-NOT.5 and R-NOT-6 as well as the addition of R-NOT-6a to insure the
Controller retries until a notification response is recieved. - Defined the term "Partial Path" in Definitions Section.
- Fixed the Operate example in Operate Examples Section to include both sync and async data model commands.
- Updated the GetSupportedDM to now indicate the unique keys of a table, which caused updates to the
examples in GetSupportedDM Examples Section and the usp-msg-1-4.proto file within the GetSupportedDM message. - Updated Role Definition Section with clarifications to Role permissions applying to Supported and Instantiated
Data model and the Secured Role as applying to "secured" parameter in the path(s), with examples
of both.
USP Protocol Buffers Schemas
USP v1.4 Record Schema
USP v1.4 Message Schema
- Added unique_key_set to GetSupportedDM