Govbase is an open, crowdsourced database of projects and tools for the governance of online communities.
This repository contains code, documentation, visualizations, and other material related to Govbase. The data is currently hosted on Airtable, at
New: collecting blockchain constitutions
New: systems map of online governance
- Skim the write-up on Medium.
- Browse the documentation.
- To add a project, use this form:
- To add an organization, use this form:
- Questions? Join our Telegram chat:
Go to the docs page.
Govbase is a crowdsourced, community effort. We’re always looking for more editors, contributors, and research partners. If you would like to do research with Govbase, contribute data, or if you have an existing mapping project that you’d like to integrate, please get in touch!
The contents of this repo are available under a MIT license. The data set itself is available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
- Nov - Jan: Documents and Policies tables
- Jan - March: The Register of Computational Constitutions
Team: Joshua Tan, Michael Zargham, Ann Brody, Ellie Rennie, Kelsie Nabbens, and Campbell McNolty. Part of the Metagovernance Project.
Govbase is inspired by and draws on data from several other mapping initiatives, including the Civic Tech Field Guide, Democratic Mediums, Democracy Foundation, CredCatalog, DAOs in the Wild, DAObase, and Participedia. We would also like to thank Jeff Emmett, Nathan Schneider, Nastia Sadovnik, and Burrrata for their helpful comments and suggestions.