Written for Bruin Spacecraft Group Reach Project 2017-2018. Contains the code for the on-board Arduino that will manage the data from the sensors.
- Adafruit_Sensor
- Adafruit_ADXL345_U (Accelerometer)
- Adafruit_HMC5883_U (Magnetometer)
- Adafruit_MPL3115A2 (Barometer)
- Adafruit_L3GD20_U (Gyroscope)
- Adafruit_MCP9808 (Temperature Sensor)
- RadioHead Packet Radio Library (Radio)
Libraries are included in the Required Libraries folder for convenience. All thanks to Adafruit.com and the RadioHead Packet Radio Library for providing open-source code.
This is the struct used to store each packet of data received from the sensors.
struct datapacket {
unsigned long timestamp;
float accel_x;
float accel_y;
float accel_z;
float gyro_x;
float gyro_y;
float gyro_z;
float mag_x;
float mag_y;
float mag_z;
float mag_heading;
float temp_tempC;
float baro_pressure; // in mmHg
float baro_altitude; // in meters
float baro_tempC;
- MAG_FLAG is set when magnetometer is disconnected