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vGizmo3D - a virtual GIZMO 3D object manipulator / orientator, via mouse, with pan & dolly/zoom features


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vGizmo3D / virtualGizmo3D  v4.0 beta

vGizmo3D / virtualGizmo3D is an 3D GIZMO manipulator: like a trackball it provides a way to rotate, move and scale a model, with mouse, also with dolly and pan features You can also define a way to rotate the model around any single axis. It use mouse movement on screen, mouse buttons and (eventually) key modifiers, like Shift/Ctrl/Alt/Super, that you define

It uses quaternions algebra, internally, to manage rotations, but you can also only pass your model matrix and gat back a transformation matrix with rotation, translation and scale, inside.

alt text

vGizmo3D / virtualGizmo3D is an header only tool (vGizmo3D.h) and is not bound to frameworks or render engines, is written in C++ (C++17) and uses vgMath a compact (my single file header only) vectors/matrices/quaternions tool/lib that makes virtualGizmo3D standalone.
*Alternatively you can use glm with a simple define: read about glm and vgMath

No other files or external libraries are required

In this way you can use it with any engine, like: OpenGL, DirectX, Vulkan, Metal, etc. and/or with any framework, like: GLFW, SDL, GLUT, Native O.S. calls, etc.

You can use vgMath also externally, for your purposes: it contains classes to manipulate vectors (with 2/3/4 components), quaternions, square matricies (3x3 and 4x4), both as simple single precision float classes (Default) or, enabling template classes (simply adding a #define), as both float and double data types. It contains also 4 helper functions to define Model/View matrix: perspective, frustum, lookAt, ortho

If need a larger/complete library, as alternative to virtualGizmo3D, is also possible to interface imGuIZMO.quat with glm mathematics library (simply adding a #define)

==>  *Please, read Configure virtualGizmo3D section.

Live WebGL2 / WebGPU examples

You can run/test an emscripten WebGL 2 example of virtualGismo3D from following link:

*is necessary to use a browser with WebGl2 capabilities:: test if your browser supports WebGL2, here: WebGL2 Report

*is necessary to use a browser with WebGPU capabilities: e.g. Chrome-Canary, FireFox Nightly, Safari Technology Preview ...


How to use vGizmo3D in your code

To use vGizmo3D need to include vGizmo3D.h or vGizmo.h file in your code and declare an object of type vGizmo3D, global, static or as member of class

Univocal initialization / framework-independent

#include <vGizmo3D.h> // or "vGizmo3D/vGizmo3D.h" ... or where it is 

/// vGizmo3D : declare global/static/member/..
vg::vGizmo3D track;     // using vGizmo3D 

// vGizmo3D initialize: 
// set/associate mouse BUTTON IDs and KEY modifier IDs to vGizmo3D functionalities
void initVGizmo3D()     // Settings to control vGizmo3D
    // Initialization is necessary to associate your preferences to vGizmo3D
    // These are also the DEFAULT values, so if you want to maintain these combinations you can omit they
    // and to override only the associations that you want modify
    // Main rotation
        track.setGizmoRotControl         (vg::evButton1  /* or vg::evLeftButton */, 0 /* vg::evNoModifier */ );
    // Rotations around specific axis: mouse button and key modifier
        track.setGizmoRotXControl        (vg::evButton1  /* or vg::evLeftButton */, vg::evShiftModifier);
        track.setGizmoRotYControl        (vg::evButton1  /* or vg::evLeftButton */, vg::evControlModifier);
        track.setGizmoRotZControl        (vg::evButton1  /* or vg::evLeftButton */, vg::evAltModifier | vg::evSuperModifier);
    // Set vGizmo3D control for secondary rotation (from v3.1)
        track.setGizmoSecondaryRotControl(vg::evButton2  /* or vg::evRightButton */, 0 /* vg::evNoModifier */ );
    // Pan and Dolly/Zoom: mouse button and key modifier
        track.setDollyControl            (vg::evButton2 /* or vg::evRightButton */, vg::evControlModifier);
        track.setPanControl              (vg::evButton2 /* or vg::evRightButton */, vg::evShiftModifier);
    // N.B. vg::enums are ONLY mnemonic: select and pass specific vg::enum to framework (that can have also different IDs)

    // passing the screen sizes calibrate drag rotation and auto-set the mouse sensitivity 
        track.viewportSize(width, height);      // is necessary also to call when resize window/surface: re-calibrate drag rotation & auto-set mouse sensitivity

Now is necessary to control some mouse and key event funtions:

SDL environment

Get Key-Modifier state and return appropriate vg::enum

/// vGizmo3D: Check key modifier currently pressed (GLFW version)
int getModifier(SDL_Window* window = nullptr) {
    SDL_Keymod keyMod = SDL_GetModState();
    if     (keyMod & KMOD_CTRL)     return vg::evControlModifier;
    else if(keyMod & KMOD_SHIFT)    return vg::evShiftModifier;
    else if(keyMod & KMOD_ALT)      return vg::evAltModifier;
    else if(keyMod & KMOD_GUI)      return vg::evSuperModifier;
    else return vg::evNoModifier;

In main rendering loop intercept mouse button pression/release:

    // vGizmo3D: check changing button state to activate/deactivate drag movements
    //           (pressing together left/right activate/deactivate both)
        static int leftPress = 0, rightPress = 0;
        int x, y;
        int mouseState = SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y);
        if(leftPress != (mouseState & SDL_BUTTON_LMASK)) {              // check if leftButton state is changed
            leftPress = mouseState & SDL_BUTTON_LMASK ;                 // set new (different!) state
            track.mouse(vg::evLeftButton, getModifier(sdlWindow),       // send communication to vGizmo3D...
                                          leftPress, x, y);             // ... checking if a key modifier currently is pressed
        if(rightPress != (mouseState & SDL_BUTTON_RMASK)) {             // check if rightButton state is changed
            rightPress = mouseState & SDL_BUTTON_RMASK;                 // set new (different!) state
            track.mouse(vg::evRightButton, getModifier(sdlWindow),      // send communication to vGizmo3D...
                                           rightPress, x, y);           // ... checking if a key modifier currently is pressed
    // if "drag" was activated, "motion" call updates internal rotations (primary and secondary) 

    // Not mandatory: call it every rendering loop only if you want a (possible) continue idle rotation until you do not click on screen
        track.idle();   // set continuous rotation on Idle: the slow rotation depends on speed of last mouse movement, (currently) only on primary quaternion / rotation
                        // It can be adjusted from setIdleRotSpeed(1.0) > more speed/sensibility, < less
                        // It can be stopped by click on screen (without mouse movement)

GLFW environment

Get Key-Modifier state and return appropriate vg::enum

/// vGizmo3D: Check key modifier currently pressed (GLFW version)
int getModifier(GLFWwindow* window) {
    if((glfwGetKey(window,GLFW_KEY_LEFT_CONTROL)    == GLFW_PRESS) || (glfwGetKey(window,GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL) == GLFW_PRESS))
            return vg::evControlModifier;
    else if((glfwGetKey(window,GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT) == GLFW_PRESS) || (glfwGetKey(window,GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT)   == GLFW_PRESS))
            return vg::evShiftModifier;
    else if((glfwGetKey(window,GLFW_KEY_LEFT_ALT)   == GLFW_PRESS) || (glfwGetKey(window,GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_ALT)     == GLFW_PRESS))
            return vg::evAltModifier;
    else if((glfwGetKey(window,GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SUPER) == GLFW_PRESS) || (glfwGetKey(window,GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SUPER)   == GLFW_PRESS))
            return vg::evSuperModifier;
    else return vg::evNoModifier;

In main rendering loop intercept mouse button pression/release:

    // vGizmo3D: check changing button state to activate/deactivate drag movements
    //           (pressing together left/right activate/deactivate both)
        static int leftPress = 0, rightPress = 0;
        double x, y;
        glfwGetCursorPos(glfwWindow, &x, &y);
        if(glfwGetMouseButton(glfwWindow, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) != leftPress) {   // check if leftButton state is changed
            leftPress = leftPress == GLFW_PRESS ? GLFW_RELEASE : GLFW_PRESS;        // set new (different!) state
            track.mouse(vg::evLeftButton, getModifier(glfwWindow),                  // send communication to vGizmo3D...
                                          leftPress, x, y);                         // ... checking if a key modifier currently is pressed
        if(glfwGetMouseButton(glfwWindow, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT) != rightPress) { // same thing for rightButton
            rightPress = rightPress == GLFW_PRESS ? GLFW_RELEASE : GLFW_PRESS;
            track.mouse(vg::evRightButton, getModifier(glfwWindow),
                                           rightPress, x, y);
    // vGizmo3D: if "drag" active update internal rotations (primary and secondary)
    // vGizmo3D: call it every rendering loop if you want a continue rotation until you do not click on screen
        track.idle();   // set continuous rotation on Idle: the slow rotation depends on speed of last mouse movement
                        // It can be adjusted from setIdleRotSpeed(1.0) > more speed, < less
                        // It can be stopped by click on screen (without mouse movement)

GLFW Callbacks

Using GLFW mouse callbacks (in alternative)

// onMouseButton callback: any button pressed/released
static void glfwMouseButtonCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int button, int action, int mods)
    double x,y;
    glfwGetCursorPos(window, &x, &y);

    int myButton;

    switch(button) {
            myButton = vg::evButton1; // or vg::evButtonLeft
            myButton = vg::evButton2; // or vg::evButtonRight
            myButton = vg::evButton3; // or vg::evButtonMiddle
        default :
            myButton = -1;
    // in GLFW "CURRENTLY" button ID & vg::enums coincide, so all the switch/case statement can be also omitted and pass directly "button" instead of "myButton"
    // in "mouse" call, but is good rule always to check framework IDs (in case of future changes) and select preferred vg::enum
        track.mouse((vgButtons) myButton, (vgModifiers) getModifier(glfwWindow), action == GLFW_PRESS, (int)x, (int)y);

// onMouseMotion callback: mouse cursor position changed
static void glfwMousePosCallback(GLFWwindow* window, double x, double y)
    track.motion(x, y);

// wheel rotation callback: available only via callback (no event are sent by GLFW)
static void glfwScrollCallback(GLFWwindow* window, double x, double y)
    track.wheel(x, y);  // now we can use wheel to Dolly/Zoom

Build MVP matrix

And finally, before to call the draw function, transfer the rotations to build MVP matrix:

    // transferring the rotation to cube model matrix cubeObj...
        mat4 modelMatrix = cubeObj * mat4_cast(track.getRotation());

    // Build a "translation" matrix with Pan & Dolly position
        mat4 translationMatrix = translate(mat4(1), track.getPosition());  // add translations (pan/dolly) to an identity matrix

    // build MVPs matrices to pass to shader
        mvpMatrix   = projMatrix * viewMatrix * compensateView * translationMatrix * modelMatrix;
        lightMatrix = projMatrix * viewMatrix * compensateView * translationMatrix * mat4_cast(track.getSecondRot()) * lightObj /* lightModelMatrix */; 

The whole code is taken from the new easy_examples


Other useful stuff

Settings functions to override the default values

    // other settings if you need it (public member of vGizmo3D) 
    setGizmoFeeling(1.0f)              // set feeling/sensitivity for the rotations (primary and secondary): less < 1.0 < more 
    setDollyScale(1.0f);               // Dolly mouse drag sensitivity: less < 1.0 < more
    setPanScale(1.0f);                 // Pan mouse drag sensitivity: less < 1.0 < more
    setWheelScale(1.0f);               // wheel sensitivity:  less < 1.0 < more
    setIdleRotSpeed(1.0)               // If used Idle() feature (continue rotation on Idle) it set the sensitivity of that speed: less < 1.0 < more
    setDollyPosition(/* your pos */);  // input: float/double or vec3... in vec3 only Z is acquired
    setPanPosition(/* your pos */);    // vec3 ==> only X and Y are acquired
    setPosition(/* your pos */);       // input vec3 is equivalent to call: setDollyPosition(/* your pos */) and setPanPosition(/* your pos */);
    setRotationCenter(/* vec3 */);     // new rotation center, default vec3(0.0)
    // there are (obviously) the corresponding all GET functions that return current value 

Just a "trick": Using MIDDLE button to rotate two objects togethers (e.g. objModel + lightSpot): simulating a double press (left+right button)


        // Simulating a double press (left+right button) using MIDDLE button,
        // sending two "consecutive" activation/deactivation calls to rotate obj-model and light spot together
        if(middlePress != (mouseState & SDL_BUTTON_MMASK)) {             // check if middleButton state is changed
            middlePress = mouseState & SDL_BUTTON_MMASK;                 // set new (different!) middle button state
            track.mouse(vg::evRightButton, getModifier(sdlWindow), middlePress, x, y);  // call Right activation/deactivation with same "middleStatus"
            track.mouse(vg::evLeftButton,  getModifier(sdlWindow), middlePress, x, y);  // call Left  activation/deactivation with same "middleStatus"
        // To put together to other mouse button checks, and before of `track.motion(x,y);` call


        // Simulating a double press (left+right button) using MIDDLE button,
        // sending two "consecutive" activation/deactivation calls to rotate obj-model and light spot together
        if(glfwGetMouseButton(glfwWindow, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE) != middlePress) {   // check if middleButton state is changed
            middlePress = middlePress == GLFW_PRESS ? GLFW_RELEASE : GLFW_PRESS;        // set new (different!) middle button state
            track.mouse(vg::evLeftButton, getModifier(glfwWindow),  middlePress, x, y); // call Left activation/deactivation with same "middleStatus"
            track.mouse(vg::evRightButton, getModifier(glfwWindow), middlePress, x, y); // call Right activation/deactivation with same "middleStatus"
        // To put together to other mouse button checks, and before of `track.motion(x,y);` call
        // A same method can be used also for the callbacks 

The whole code is contained in the new easy_examples

Class declaration

The include file vGizmo3D.h or vGizmo.h contains two classes:

  • virtualGizmoClass simple rotation manipulator, currently deprecated, well be removed on next release
  • virtualGizmo3DClass manipulator with dolly/zoom and pan/shift
  • Template classes are also available if configured.   *(read below)

Helper typedef are also defined:

    using vGizmo    = virtualGizmoClass;    // deprecated
    using vGizmo3D  = virtualGizmo3DClass;

Ortho projection


Configure virtualGizmo3D

virtalGizmo3D uses vgMath tool, it contains a group of vector/matrices/quaternion classes, operators, and principal functions. It uses the "glsl" convention for types and function names so is compatible with glm types and function calls: vgMath is a subset of glm mathematics library and so you can use first or upgrade to second via a simple #define. However vgMath does not want replicate glm, is only intended to make vGizmo3D (and imguizmo_quat) standalone, and avoid use of template classes in the cases of low resources or embedded systems.

The file vgConfig.h allows to configure internal math used form virtalGizmo3D. In particular is possible select between:

  • static float classes (Default) / template classes
  • internal vgMath tool (Default) / glm mathematics library
  • Right (Default) / Left handed coordinate system (lookAt, perspective, ortho, frustum - functions)
  • enable (Default) / disable automatic entry of using namespace vgm; at end of vgMath.h (it influences only your external use of vgMath.h)
  • Add additional HLSL types name convention

You can do this simply by commenting / uncommenting a line in vgConfig.h or adding related "define" to your project, you can:


About glm and vgMath:

  • If your project grows you can switch to glm, in any moment: how to switch to glm
  • My glChAoS.P project can switch from internal vgMath (VGIZMO_USES_TEMPLATE) to glm (VGIZMO_USES_GLM), and vice versa, only changing defines: you can examine it as example
  • Can also use an optional CMake statement, like this:
#OFF: use vgMath, ON: force GLM anyway
option(IMGUIZMO_USES_GLM "Use GLM instead of internal vgMath" OFF)

find_package(glm CONFIG)  

# if GLM package was found, then uses GLM (also if option = OFF)


Building Example - Still must be updated to version 3.1

The source code example shown in the animated gif screenshot, is provided.

In example I use GLFW or SDL2 (via #define GLAPP_USE_SDL) with OpenGL, but it is simple to change if you use Vulkan/DirectX/etc, other frameworks (like GLUT) or native OS access.

To use SDL framework instead of GLFW, uncomment #define GLAPP_USE_SDL in glApp.h file, or pass -DGLAPP_USE_SDL directly to compiler. CMake users can pass command line -DUSE_SDL:BOOL=TRUE (or use relative GUI flag) to enable SDL framework instead of GLFW.

To build it you can use CMake (3.10 or higher) or the Visual Studio solution project (for VS 2017) in Windows. You need to have GLFW (or SDL) in your compiler search path (LIB/INCLUDE).

The CMake file is able to build also an EMSCRIPTEN version, obviously you need to have installed EMSCRIPTEN SDK on your computer (1.38.10 or higher): look at or use the helper batch/script files, in main example folder, to pass appropriate defines/parameters to CMake command line.

To build the EMSCRIPTEN version, in Windows, with CMake, need to have mingw32-make.exe in your computer and search PATH (only the make utility is enough): it is a condition of EMSDK tool to build with CMake.

For windows users that use vs2017 project solution:

  • To build SDL or GLFW, select appropriate build configuration
  • If you have GLFW and/or SDL headers/library directory paths added to INCLUDE and LIB environment vars, the compiler find them.
  • The current VisualStudio project solution refers to my environment variable RAMDISK (R:), and subsequent VS intrinsic variables to generate binary output: $(RAMDISK)\$(MSBuildProjectDirectoryNoRoot)\$(DefaultPlatformToolset)\$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\, so without a RAMDISK variable, executable and binary files are outputted in base to the values of these VS variables, starting from root of current drive.    (you find built binary here... or change it)