Code basis for the final project of the course: "Machine Learning for Graphs" taught at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2024. In this repo, I implement, compare and reproduce results for different conformal prediction methods for various graph machine learning models. In particular, I reproduce the methods introduced in the paper "Conformal Prediction Sets for Graph Neural Networks" which can be found here and therefore this repo heavily depends upon their code bases.
This is work in progress and will be updated incrementally.
- Create a virtualenv of your choice
- Activate the virtual env
$ source <NAME_OF_YOUR_VIRTUALENV>/bin/activate
- Install the required packages for this project
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- You can train several different models using the script:
This will run by default a standard GCN on the Cora dataset.
- Now you can compare different conformal prediction methods against each other by running:
This command will create a "results" folder in which you will find a .csv file with the metrics associated to each conformal prediction method. The "src" folder includes the source code for the models, whereas the "utils" folder includes additional utility functions needed for the project.
Tested environment:
The project was run and tested on both MacOS and Linux Ubuntu with Python 3.9 installed.