This is a simple quiz application built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It allows users to take a quiz consisting of multiple-choice questions and provides instant feedback on their answers. At the end of the quiz, the user's score is displayed.
You can try out the quiz app live here.
- Multiple-choice questions: Users can select their answers from a list of options.
- Instant feedback: After selecting an answer, users are immediately informed whether their choice was correct or incorrect.
- Score tracking: The app keeps track of the user's score as they progress through the quiz.
- Responsive design: The app is designed to work seamlessly across different screen sizes, from desktops to mobile devices.
- Click on the "PLAY" button on the homepage to start the quiz.
- Answer each question by clicking on the corresponding option.
- Receive instant feedback on your answers.
- At the end of the quiz, view your final score and choose to play again or return to the homepage.
- HTML: Used for structuring the web pages and creating the quiz content.
- CSS: Used for styling the app and making it visually appealing.
- JavaScript: Used for implementing the quiz logic, including question generation, answer validation, and score tracking.
: The homepage of the quiz app.quiz.html
: The main quiz page where questions are displayed and answered.end.html
: The page that displays the user's final score at the end of the
: The CSS file containing the styles for all pages.script.js
: The JavaScript file containing the logic for generating questions, handling user input, and calculating the score.
Contributions to this project are welcome! If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.