Originally made for Lame Game Jam (btw got 7th place with a 3-star rating 🌟🌟🌟).
🕹️ In a dark, forgotten corner of the city, there's an old, rundown arcade that hasn’t been touched in decades. People say strange things happen to those who enter after midnight. The rumors speak of a cursed machine—an arcade cabinet that once swallowed the souls of the unfortunate who dared to play. That machine’s name was "Asteroid Velocity".
1️⃣ Not Mobile-Friendly 📵
- The game currently doesn't support mobile platforms (iOS, Android).
2️⃣ Best Played Downloaded 💾
- Download the game for the best experience! It's completely safe.
3️⃣ There’s a Boss! 👾
- Push through and complete the game to face the challenge!
- W: Move up ⬆️
- A: Move left ⬅️
- S: Move down ⬇️
- D: Move right ➡️
- Left Mouse Button: Shoot 🛑🔫
- Right Mouse Button: Reload 🔄
💡 Leave a comment with your suggestions and rate the game! 🌟
- Discord:
- 🎵 Music: generichuman
- 🔊 Sound Effects: sfxr
- 🛠️ Game Engine: Godot 3.6 Stable
- 🎨 Art: Aseprite, Piskel
✨ Thanks to everyone who helped and supported this project!
- Dialogic Version: 1.5.1