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LaunchPod Streams

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This work-in-progress project aims to provide a platform to retroactively fund open-source work by providing a monthly UBI to handpicked open-source developers, rewarding them for their ongoing contributions.

Developers can submit their contributions (stored in a Smart Contract), automatically claim grant streams, and showcase their work to the public.

Stream mechanism:

  • Each developer has a stream with a monthly cap
  • They can do partial or full withdrawals of their available stream when they make a contribution.
  • After each withdrawal, their available stream gets recharged over the next 30 days.
  • Once the stream is full, it stops recharging until the next withdrawal.

Smart Contract features

We provide a contract that includes basic features for your LaunchPod Streams.

  • Donations to the LaunchPod. Anyone can show their support to the LaunchPod by sending ETH to the contract.
  • List of developers and their monthly stream cap.
  • Withdrawals. Each builder can do withdrawals from their available streams when they contribute.
  • Rechargable streams. After a withdrawal, the Creator's monthly stream gets recharged during the next 30 days, until reaching their cap (MAX monthly stream).

LaunchPod Website

You get a generic template to set your LaunchPod Website. Feel free to add all the visual and copy changes to adapt it to your LaunchPod. The template it's a one-page with:

  • LaunchPod welcome
  • List of creators and their streams (currently available and monthly cap)
  • List of contributions (text submitted by developers for each withdrawal). In that text they can share links to their work (PR, Repo, design..)

Here you can view some examples of active Hacker Houses using the project in which LaunchPod was inspired in:

Hacker House Links Description
Jessy's Hacker House Repo / Site One-page template with Jessy's Hacker House design touch
Sand Garden Repo / Site Multi-page template, includes a Projects section with the list of the projects they are working on

Steps to set your own LaunchPod

You'll need to complete a few steps to have your LaunchPod running:

0. Checking prerequisites

This project is powered by Scaffold-ETH 2. Before you begin, make sure you meet its requirements:

1. Clone/Fork this repo & install dependencies

git clone
cd LaunchPod
yarn install

2. Configure primary admin for your LaunchPod

  • In line 27 of 'LaunchPod/packages/hardhat/deploy/00_deploy_your_contract.ts' set the address that should be the primary admin and the first admin of the smart contract (default setting is deployer). As the primary admin of the contract, such address will receive all the funds in the contract in case the 'drainAgreement()' functioon is called. Also, as the first admin, the primary admin is able to grant/revoke admin role to/from any address via the 'modifyAdminRole(address adminAddress, bool shouldGrant)' function.

3. Configure website

  • Adapt generic template on front-end.
  • Customize Look and Feel for each component. We are using Tailwind and daisyUI.
    • packages/nextjs/tailwind.config.js (You can play with the colors here)

4. Testing locally

  1. Run the hardhat local node

    yarn chain

This command starts a local network using Hardhat. The network runs on your local machine and can be used for testing and development. You can customize the network configuration in hardhat.config.js.

  1. On a second terminal, deploy the test contract:

    yarn deploy

This command deploys a test smart contract to the local network. The contract is located in packages/hardhat/contracts and can be modified to suit your needs. The yarn deploy command uses the deploy script located in packages/hardhat/deploy to deploy the contract to the network.

  1. In a third terminal, start your NextJS app:

    yarn start

Visit your app on: http://localhost:3000.

5. Deploy to a Live Network

5.1 Deploy your Smart Contracts

Once you are ready to deploy your smart contract, there are a few things you need to adjust.

  1. Generate a new deployer account

yarn generate will create a random account and will add the DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY to the .env file. You can check the generated account with yarn account.

You could also use an existing account by adding the private key to the .env file.

  1. Deploy your smart contract to the selected network

By default, yarn deploy will deploy the contract to the local network. To deploy to a different network, run:

yarn deploy --network target_network

Check the hardhat.config.js for the networks that are pre-configured. You can also add other networks on the hardhat.config.js file.

Example: To deploy the contract to the Sepolia network, run the command below:

yarn deploy --network sepolia
  1. Verify your smart contract

You can verify your smart contract on Etherscan by running:

yarn verify --network target_network

5.2 Deploy your NextJS App

In the nextjs folder, copy .env.example to .env.local and set NEXT_PUBLIC_DEPLOY_BLOCK to the block number where the contract was deployed (it optimizes the reading of events). Make sure to add that ENVAR to your Vercel project as well.

Run yarn vercel and follow the steps to deploy to Vercel. Once you log in (email, github, etc), the default options should work. It'll give you a public URL.

If you want to redeploy to the same production URL you can run yarn vercel --prod. If you omit the --prod flag it will deploy it to a preview/test URL.

Make sure your packages/nextjs/scaffold.config.ts file has the values you need.

Hint: We recommend connecting the project GitHub repo to Vercel so you the gets automatically deployed when pushing to main

5.3 Disabling type and linting error checks

Hint Typescript helps you catch errors at compile time, which can save time and improve code quality, but can be challenging for those who are new to the language or who are used to the more dynamic nature of JavaScript. Below are the steps to disable type & lint check at different levels

Disabling commit checks

We run pre-commit git hook which lints the staged files and don't let you commit if there is an linting error.

To disable this, go to .husky/pre-commit file and comment out yarn lint-staged --verbose

- yarn lint-staged --verbose
+ # yarn lint-staged --verbose
Deploying to Vercel without any checks

Vercel by default runs types and lint checks while developing build and deployment fails if there is a types or lint error.

To ignore types and lint error checks while deploying, use :

yarn vercel:yolo
Disabling Github Workflow

We have github workflow setup checkout .github/workflows/lint.yaml which runs types and lint error checks every time code is pushed to main branch or pull request is made to main branch

To disable it, delete .github directory