Product Vision: ( Deployed Site: (
PlantWise is an app that allows you to neatly organize and manage the plants you have, so you never forget to water them.
- User can register a new account, or log into a previously created account.
- After registration, used can login and will be presented to their plant dashboard.
- From the dashboard, the user has options to:
- view list of species
- create a plant
- create a species
- edit or delete any existing plants they have in their account
- manage their account settings (updating phone number and password)
Input the following information for your plant:
- Nickname
- Location
- Species
Input the following information for your species:
- Common name
- Scientific name
- Optional image URL
- Water (H2O) frequency (between 1-3 denoting how many times per day to water the plant)
- Click on "View More Information" on the plant you want to manage.
- Click on "Edit Plant" to edit your plant.
- Input your new plant nickname and location
- Click on "Finish Editing" to complete the edit
- Click on "Delete Plant" to delete your plant.
- Click on "Account Settings" from the plant dashboard.
- Input a new phone number (or confirm same phone number) and input a new password (or confirm same password)
- Context API
- React Hooks
- react-router-dom
- React
- styled-components
- axios
Graphics & Resources Used:
- Vectors and illustrations from (
- Images from Unsplash (