The server is deployed to heroku at the url
POST /api/auth/register
Expects an object with the following key constraints
name | type | required |
Username |
String | Yes |
Password |
string | Yes |
Number |
String | yes |
Possible status codes
200 User created 500 Missing required field
On success the endpoint will return an object with a token, and user inside. The token should be saved to local storage, and sent with all further requests in the request header as an authorization.
the user will match this
"saved": {
"id": 5,
"username": "cranberry",
"password": "$2a$10$JB19/MDCbWjbgqivQNDc7eXcUxStegi3xPFVZ7VMm1r2oQoefI29S",
"Number": "800-365-2000"
POST /api/auth/login
Expects an object with the following key constraints
name | type | required |
Username |
String | Yes |
Password |
string | Yes |
Possible status codes
200 Welcome ${user.username}
401 Invalid credentials
500 server error
On success a token and a user object will be returned.
"message": "Welcome cranberry",
"jwt_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWJqZWN0Ijo1LCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImNyYW5iZXJyeSIsImlhdCI6MTU5MDM0OTUyMSwiZXhwIjoxNTkwMzUxMzIxfQ.uI2gmyk-u8SIQShwdflZbcvoKv3vpfGX0KtjIp661QI"
Only logged in users can view, create, update, and delete plants.
GET /api/users/:id/plants
must be loggin in to view your list of plants :id is your you revieve once you logged in
Possible status codes
200 Will view users list of plants 404 User has no plants
POST /api/users/:id/plants
must be logged in to add a plant. plant must have the following information
"nickname": ,
"H2Ofrequency": ,
"image": ,
"species_name": ,
You will be given a plant id
Possible status codes 201 success plant created 500 cannot add plant
PUT /api/users/:plants/plant:id
must be logged in to updated information on a plant.
can update any one of the following fields
"nickname": ,
"H2Ofrequency": ,
"image": ,
"species_name": ,
Possible status codes 200 success 500 cannot update plant
DELETE /api/users/:plants/plant:id
must be logged in to remove plant
possible status codes
200 Removed 1 404 Cannot remove plant with given id