Empower Farmer
Empower farmer app that helps fund farmer by connecting farmer to sponsor and help farmer sell their product.
Tech solutions that can help give your local community access to international/advanced farming practices that will help them improve their infrastructure or farming practices.
Application was deployed to Heroku. Use public URL https://sdg-empower-farmer.herokuapp.com/ with API endpoints.
API Documentation was generated with Swagger.
- You need to have Git, Node, NPM and Docker installed on your computer.
- Installing Node automatically comes with npm.
- Clone this project to your local machine
Run the command below
git clone https://github.com/BuildForSDG/Team-037-Product-backend.git
- Installing the project dependencies
Run the command below
npm install
Create a .env file similar to the .env.sample file
Create your database
Run the command below
npx sequelize db:migrate
- Add tables to database
Run the command below
npm run db:reset
- Start your node server
Run the command below
npm start or npm run dev
- Use
as base url for endpoints
POST | User can signUp as farmer,sponsor,buyer | /api/v1/auth/createUser |
POST | User can sign In | /api/v1/auth/signIn |
GET | Get a specific User | /api/v1/auth/user |
GET | Login with google | /api/v1/auth/google |
PATCH | User can update profile | /api/v1/auth/updateUser |
POST | Farmer can create farm | /api/v1/farm/createFarm |
PATCH | Farmer can edit a farm | /api/v1/farm/:farmId/editFarm |
GET | Retrieve a farm | /api/v1/farm/:farmId/getOneFarm |
POST | Farmer can create a farmProduct | /api/v1/product/:farmId/createFarmProduct |
PATCH | Farmer can update a farmProduct | /api/v1/product/:productId/editProduct |
GET | Users can view specific farm product | /api/v1/product/:farmId/fetchProducts |
GET | User can search a product by name | /api/v1/product/searchProduct |
POST | User can buy product | /api/v1/buy/checkout |
GET | Confirms payment after payment has been made | /api/v1/buy/confirm |
GET | Sponsor view a farm that belong to farmer | /api/v1/sponsor/:farmId/listOneFarm |
GET | Sponsor view all farm | /api/v1/sponsor/listAllFarm |
GET | user can view all farm product | /api/v1/user/listAllFarmProduct |
POST | User can donate wether login or not | /api/v1/donation/donate |
GET | Admin can view a single donation | /api/v1/donation/:donationId/find-donation |
GET | Admin can view al donation | /api/v1/donation/findAll |
- Run test for all endpoints
run the command below
npm test
[Joshua Lugada - Mentor] ore kolade - TTL Adekeye Gabriel - BACKEND-DEVELOPER MrDannie - BACKEND-DEVELOPER Tasiu Kwaplong Saeed - BACKEND-DEVELOPER
If this project sounds interesting to you and you'd like to contribute, thank you! First, you can send a mail to [email protected] to indicate your interest, why you'd like to support and what forms of support you can bring to the table, but here are areas we think we'd need the most help in this project :
- area one (e.g this app is about human trafficking and you need feedback on your roadmap and feature list from the private sector / NGOs)
- area two (e.g you want people to opt-in and try using your staging app at staging.project-name.com and report any bugs via a form)
- area three (e.g here is the zoom link to our end-of sprint webinar, join and provide feedback as a stakeholder if you can)
[email protected] https://buildforsdg.andela.com/projects