Redstone helper mod must you to help with redstone in minecraft :)

Want to see your language in Redstone helper? Translate it!
/calc command opens ingame calculator or allows you to calculate any shit you want!

Auto wire
Largest fuction in mod, you can activate it by typing /autowire or pressing B
/redstone-fill - fills Inventory which you are looking with selected item and count, you may to be an operator

/redstone-fill-signal - fills Inventory which you are looking with items to get redstone signal you entered from comparator, if no item it will be fills with wooden shovel, you may to be an operator

/calc-redstone-signal - analog of /redstone-fill-signal for survival, just calculates how much items you need for signal, if no item it will be calc with wooden shovel

From Redstone Tools:
/quicktp - teleports you in your look direction, also you can bind it for button (Default G) and configure it in config menu
/autodust - redirect for /autowire
/ss - redirect for redstone give signal
/Airplace - allows you to place blocks on air
Macros! How to use
/gamerule DoContainerDrops
BIT Operations™

ModMenu support!

Yeah You can configure mod and even disable mod version check! Also You can configure how Redstone Helper interface looks! And small config for Auto Wire™
Here all awailable settings:
Check for updates - enable Redstone Helper update checking after world is loaded
Dark panels - makes interface plates with dark texture
Background blur - blurs background while you open any Redstone Helper interface instead vanilla transluent background
Default Auto Wire™ mode - default Auto Wire™ will setted after world is loaded
If you have an idea which can help with redstone you always can report it to issues ! Also you can report bugs)