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Bundeling App SDK

The @bundeling/app-sdk is a powerful software development kit that allows developers to easily integrate Bundeling's features into their applications. This guide provides instructions on how to install and use the SDK through npm or by including the prebuilt JavaScript file in your HTML.


Using npm

To install the @bundeling/app-sdk via npm, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have Node.js installed on your machine. You can verify the installation by running the following commands:
    node -v
    npm -v
  2. Install the SDK by running the following command:
    npm install @bundeling/app-sdk
  3. Import the SDK in your project:
    import { navigate, openFile, shareUrl, openUrl, alert, toast } from '@bundeling/app-sdk';

Including the Prebuilt JavaScript File in HTML

If you prefer not to use npm, you can include the prebuilt JavaScript file directly in your HTML file. Follow these steps:

  1. Download the latest prebuilt JavaScript file from the Bundeling SDK GitHub repository.

  2. Add the following script tag to your HTML file, replacing path/to/bundeling-app-sdk.js with the path to the downloaded file:

    <script src="path/to/bundeling-app-sdk.js"></script>


When using the SDK through the prebuild JavaScript file, you can access the SDK methods through the window.bundeling object. For example, to navigate to the news page, you can use the following code:


Available Methods

The @bundeling/app-sdk provides a variety of methods to interact with Bundeling services. Here are the available methods:

Method Parameters Description
navigate path: string Navigates to a specified path within the Bundeling app.
openFile url: string Opens a file in the Bundeling app.
shareUrl url: string Shares a URL using the Bundeling app's sharing functionality.
openUrl url: string Opens a URL in the Bundeling app's browser.
alert message: string, title?: string Displays an alert dialog with a message and an optional title.
toast message: string Displays a toast message at the bottom of the screen.

Navigation methods

The navigate method allows you to navigate to different pages within the Bundeling app.


Method Parameters
user id: string
userlist -
news id: string
newslist -
event id: string
eventlist -
message id: string
messagelist -
chat id: string
chatlist -
appcms id: string

Id's can be a numeric ID or UUID depending on the Bundeling App version


If you encounter any issues or have questions, please check the issues page on the GitHub repository or contact Bundeling support at [email protected].


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE.TXT file for details.