This node.js module makes the wonderful Pivotal Lab's Jasmine spec framework available in node.js.
Version 1.3.1
of Jasmine is currently included with node-jasmine. This is a forked version from the
Karma project, which allows you to use the
and iit
functions to run individual suites or specs.
BETA 2.0.0
Support is available in the Jasmine2.0
- Growl notifications with the
flag (requires Growl to be installed) - Ability to test specs written in Literate Coffee-Script
- Teamcity Reporter reinstated.
- Ability to specify multiple files to test via list in command line
- Ability to suppress stack trace with
- Async tests now run in the expected context instead of the global one
flag that allows you to assign variables to process.env- Terminal Reporters are now available in the Jasmine Object #184
- Done is now available in all timeout specs #199
is available in requirejs #179- Editors that replace instead of changing files should work with autotest #198
- Jasmine Mock Clock now works!
- Autotest now works!
- Using the latest Jasmine!
- Verbose mode tabs
blocks much more accurately! --coffee
now allows specs written in Literate CoffeeScript (.litcoffee
To install the latest official version, use NPM:
npm install jasmine-node -g
To install the latest bleeding edge version, clone this repository and check
out the beta
Write the specifications for your code in *.js
and *.coffee
files in the spec/
You can use sub-directories to better organise your specs. In the specs use describe()
, it()
etc. exactly
as you would in client-side jasmine specs.
Note: Your specification files must be named as *spec.js
, *
or *spec.litcoffee
which matches the regular expression /spec\.(js|coffee|litcoffee)$/i
otherwise jasmine-node won't run them!
Another interesting point is that jasmine-node does a case-insensitive match against
the final spec
in the file name, but it requires that the .js
, .coffee
, or .litcoffee
must be all lowercase.
For example, sampleSpecs.js
and sampleSpec.JS
won't match or run, but sampleSpec.js
, sampleSPEC.js
and sample_spec.js
will run because they match the pattern.
If you have installed the npm package, you can run it with:
jasmine-node spec/
If you aren't using npm, you should add pwd
/lib to the $NODE_PATH
environment variable, then run:
node lib/jasmine-node/cli.js
You can supply the following arguments:
, provides automatic execution of specs after each change--watch
, when used with--autotest
, paths after--watch
will be watched for changes, allowing to watch for changes outside of specs directory--coffee
, allow execution
, indicates spec output should uses color to indicates passing (green) or failing (red) specs--noColor
, do not use color in the output-m, --match REGEXP
, match only specs containing "REGEXPspec"--matchall
, relax requirement of "spec" in spec file names--verbose
, verbose output as the specs are run--junitreport
, export tests results as junitreport xml format--output FOLDER
, defines the output folder for junitreport files--teamcity
, converts all console output to teamcity custom test runner commands. (Normally auto detected.)--growl
, display test run summary in a growl notification (in addition to other outputs)--runWithRequireJs
, loads all specs using requirejs instead of node's native require method--requireJsSetup
, file run before specs to include and configure RequireJS--test-dir
, the absolute root directory path where tests are located--nohelpers
, does not load helpers--forceexit
, force exit once tests complete--captureExceptions
, listen to global exceptions, report them and exit (interferes with Domains in NodeJs, so do not use if using Domains as well--config NAME VALUE
, set a global variable inprocess.env
, suppress the stack trace generated from a test failure
Individual files to test can be added as bare arguments to the end of the args.
jasmine-node --coffee spec/ spec/ spec/SampleSpec.js
jasmine-node includes an alternate syntax for writing asynchronous tests. Accepting
a done callback in the specification will trigger jasmine-node to run the test
asynchronously waiting until the done()
callback is called.
var request = require('request');
it("should respond with hello world", function(done) {
request("http://localhost:3000/hello", function(error, response, body){
expect(body).toEqual("hello world");
An asynchronous test will fail after 5000
ms if done()
is not called. This timeout
can be changed by setting jasmine.getEnv().defaultTimeoutInterval
or by passing a timeout
interval in the specification.
var request = require('request');
it("should respond with hello world", function(done) {
request("http://localhost:3000/hello", function(error, response, body){
}, 250); // timeout after 250 ms
var request = require('request');
jasmine.getEnv().defaultTimeoutInterval = 500;
it("should respond with hello world", function(done) {
request("http://localhost:3000/hello", function(error, response, body){
}); // timeout after 500 ms
Checkout spec/SampleSpecs.js
to see how to use it.
There is a sample project in /spec-requirejs
. It is comprised of:
, this pulls in our wrapper template (next)requirejs-wrapper-template
, this builds up requirejs settingsrequirejs.sut.js
, this is a __SU__bject To __T__est, something required by requirejsrequirejs.spec.js
, the actual jasmine spec for testing
To run it:
node lib/jasmine-node/cli.js --runWithRequireJs --requireJsSetup ./spec-requirejs/requirejs-setup.js ./spec-requirejs/
Often you'll want to capture an uncaught exception and log it to the console,
this is accomplished by using the --captureExceptions
flag. Exceptions will
be reported to the console, but jasmine-node will attempt to recover and
continue. It was decided to not change the current functionality until 2.0
. So,
until then, jasmine-node will still return 0
and continue on without this flag.
You require a module, but it doesn't exist, ie require('Q')
instead of
. Jasmine-Node reports the error to the console, but carries on
and returns 0
. This messes up Travis-CI because you need it to return a
non-zero status while doing CI tests.
Before --captureExceptions
> jasmine-node --coffee spec
> echo $status
Run jasmine node with the --captureExceptions
> jasmine-node --coffee --captureExceptions spec
> echo $status
Jasmine node can display Growl notifications of test
run summaries in addition to other reports.
Growl must be installed separately, see node-growl
for platform-specific instructions. Pass the --growl
flag to enable the notifications.
Install the dependent packages by running:
npm install
Run the specs before you send your pull request:
Note: Some tests are designed to fail in the After each of the individual runs completes, there is a line that lists what the expected Pass/Assert/Fail count should be. If you add/remove/edit tests, please be sure to update this with your PR.
- 1.14.5 Using ~ instead of ^ for reporter version (thanks to Maxim-Filimonov)
- 1.14.4 Rolled back jasmine reporter version (thanks to tjmcduffie)
- 1.14.3 Added 'onComplete' callback to TeamCityReporter (thanks to JoergFiedler)
- 1.14.2 Uhhh...not sure what happened here.
- 1.14.1 Default to noColors if not in a TTY
- 1.14.0 Add support for
(thanks to mgcrea) - 1.13.1 Add coffee-script support for 1.7.x (thanks to nathancarter)
- 1.13.0 Added timing to the verbose reporter (thanks to rick-kilgore)
- 1.12.1 Fixed an issue where an undefined variable caused an unhelpful exception in --watch Resolves #278
- 1.12.0
- Changed
(thanks to nrstott) - Don’t affect line numbers with --requireJsSetup (thanks to daviddaurelio)
- Catch errors when loading helpers (thanks to pimterry)
- Keep autotesting until all tests have passed (thanks to notclive)
- 1.11.0 - Added Growl notification option
(thanks to AlphaHydrae) - 1.10.2 - Restored stack filter which was accidentally removed (thanks to kevinsawicki)
- 1.10.1 -
now properly handle the async-timeout function - 1.10.0 - Skipped tests now show in the terminal reporter's output (thanks to kevinsawicki)
- 1.9.1 - Timeout now consistent between Async and Non-Async Calls (thanks to codemnky)
- 1.9.0 - Now re-throwing the file-not-found error, added info to,
printing version with
- 1.8.1 - Fixed silent failure due to invalid REGEX (thanks to pimterry)
- 1.8.0 - Fixed bug in autotest with multiple paths and added
feature (thanks to davegb3) - 1.7.1 - Removed unneeded fs dependency (thanks to
kevinsawicki) Fixed broken fs call in
(thanks to abe33) - 1.7.0 - Literate Coffee-Script now testable (thanks to magicmoose)
- 1.6.0 - Teamcity Reporter Reinstated (thanks to bhcleek)
- 1.5.1 - Missing files and require exceptions will now report instead of failing silently
- 1.5.0 - Now takes multiple files for execution. (thanks to abe33)
- 1.4.0 - Optional flag to suppress stack trace on test failure (thanks to Lastalas)
- 1.3.1 - Fixed context for async tests (thanks to omryn)
- 1.3.0 - Added
flag for changeable testing environments - 1.2.3 - Fixed #179, #184, #198, #199. Fixes autotest, afterEach in requirejs, terminal reporter is in jasmine object, done function missing in async tests
- 1.2.2 - Revert Exception Capturing to avoid Breaking Domain Tests
- 1.2.1 - Emergency fix for path reference missing
- 1.2.0 - Fixed #149, #152, #171, #181, #195.
now works as expected, jasmine clock now responds to the fake ticking as requested, and removed the path.exists warning - 1.1.1 - Fixed #173, #169 (Blocks were not indented in verbose properly, added more documentation to address #180
- 1.1.0 - Updated Jasmine to
, fixed fs missing, catching uncaught exceptions, other fixes