This is project for Udacity Android nanodegree
This app fetch some recipe data from Udacity network. (
This data is given by Udacity.
It shows the recipe in multi screen like mobile phone and tablet.
To implement this, I refer to the android document (
You can select one of recipe and check ingredients and steps.
To make below screen, I used ListFragment.
You can see any video in detail step view.
ExoPlayer Library is used to show the video in android.
This is very simple example to use ExoPlayer.
And you can create widget in home screen, so you can see the ingredients easily.
My widget is showing ingredients as collection data.
So I implemented RemoteviewsService and RemoteViewsFactory.
You can refer to the guide in here: (
This app is - using REST API to get the recipet data from Udacity network.
- using Glide Image Library to show the Recipe image. (But actually there are empty url string in the recipe data from Udacity network, so it doesn't show any images.)
- using ExoPlayer video Library to show the cook video. - creating App Widget
- support multi screen (Mobile hand device, Large screen tablet)
- containing simple espresso test