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Getting Started

Byson94 edited this page Nov 29, 2024 · 11 revisions

Getting Started with LiteForge-Evo

Welcome! This guide will help you set up your development environment and start creating your first game with our lightweight game engine.

1. Installation

1.1. Requirements

Before you start, make sure you have the following:

  • A modern web browser: LiteForge-Evo works best with recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.

1.2. Download and Setup

Check out this page and download the latest stable release or use this link to directly run it in your web browser.

2. Creating Your First Project

2.1. Starting a New Project

Open LiteForge-Evo:

Launch LiteForge-Evo in your web browser through this link or using the file you downloaded.

2.2. Create a New Project:

Click on the “New Project” button in the main menu. You can see it after you click create in the side menu bar. Now you should have entered into the engine.

2.3. Explore the Interface:

Familiarize yourself with the canvas, asset manager, and scripting panels. Drag and drop sprites onto the canvas to start building your game scene.

3. Using Visual Scripting

3.1. Open the Visual Scripting Editor:

Click on the “Visual Scripting” button on the top banner.

3.2. Create Blocks:

Drag blocks from the toolbox onto the workspace to create game logic. Connect blocks to define the flow of your game.

3.3. Test Your Script:

Click the “Preview” button to test your visual script and see how it affects your game.

4. Scripting with JavaScript

4.1. Open the JavaScript Editor:

Navigate to the “JavaScript” button on the top banner. Write Your Code:

Use the built-in editor to write and edit your JavaScript code. Click the “preview” button to test your JavaScript code.

4.2. JS API:

LiteForge-Evo now features a dedicated API to simplify game interactions with concise and efficient code. Explore the LFJS documentation for detailed guidance and examples:
LFJS Documentation

Running Your Code:

As told above, just click the “Preview” button to execute your codes and test your game.

5. Adding Assets

5.1. Import Assets:

Click on the “Scene Editor” button on the top banner. Click the circle button on the right end of the banner that just appeared. Use the “NewSprite” button to add images to your project. Currently the engine is only supported with image assets only. For an animated sprite, you can use a .gif.

5.2. Manage Assets:

After you have imported your asset, it would automatically get created on the canvas below and on the object panel there should be a rectangular panel that represent your object.

If you want to remove the assets you just added, you can click the red "X" mark on the right end of the rectangle representing your object.

6. Saving and Exporting

6.1. Save Your Project:

Click on the button with 3 lines on the left end of the top banner. Now click on the “Export” button and then click on “Export To PC” button to download the game you just created. You would download a .LFE file.

6.2. Export Your Game To HTML:

Follow the same steps as saving your game but instead of clicking “Export To PC”, click “Export As HTML” option to generate HTML files for distribution. You would download the HTML files as a .zip file.