This framework will help iOS developers for simplify development iOS Application
Common - firstly components for all others commponents: Images, Colors, File system, other...
Data - components for data processing: serializations, dataSets, cashers, network, other...
DB - components for object oriented access to sqlite
Map - cartography components: geomaping
VCL - visual components library: navigation, keyboard, progress, view lists, other...
You can use all features of this framework as
pod 'BxObjC'
or use subframeworks as
pod 'BxObjC/Common'
pod 'BxObjC/Data'
pod 'BxObjC/DB'
pod 'BxObjC/Map'
pod 'BxObjC/Vcl'
Vcl subframework has subsubmodules that can also be used as seporated module. That's it:
pod 'BxObjC/Control/Rate'
pod 'BxObjC/Control/TextView'
pod 'BxObjC/Control/ShakeAnimation'
pod 'BxObjC/Control/Navigation'
Library is distributed under the MIT license