Gitflow - feature branches. Approval process. 2 halves of the same coin. GitHub will enforce reviews before merges. One branch will be called main - upstream/master.
Atlassian strategies of branching.
Use tools that provide versioning, have reviews happen, some pairing to review it.
Each platform has coding standards for CCNA. Serverless only has naming conventions.
Write testable code. Enforce standards through automation. START WITH A WIKI. STATIC ANALYSIS NO SQUIGGLY LINES, 80 to 90% CODE COVERAGE, KPIS with tools and results. E.g. code review done. Coder does their pieces and reviews feature branch and enforce sign off.
Use automated quality to write code well.
Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Security Scanning
Application and infrastructure level monitoring.
Load balancing, redundant systems, clustered deployments, failover processes, serverless