The UV-CDAT team is pleased to announce the release of UV-CDAT version 2.1.0 (v2.1). Thanks to users and testers, this is a major bug fix release and therefore we strongly recommend users upgrade their UV-CDAT executable to v2.1. Currently for this release, we are providing binary distributions for RedHat6/CentOS6, Ubuntu 14.XX, Mac OS X 10.8 and up, and the installation source code. Additional binaries may become available later.
Please visit the following URLs for:
Platform binaries: https://sourceforge.net/projects/cdat/files/Releases/UV-CDAT/2.1.0
Source code installation instructions: http://uvcdat.llnl.gov/installing.html
Updated documentation and image/code galleries: http://uvcdat.llnl.gov/gallery.php
List of major bug fixes:
List of planned v2.2 features:
Changes include:
- Diagnostics: Besides bug fixes in the GUI and scripts, several new variables can be computed and there is a partial implementation of atmosphere plot set 13.
- cdms2/regrid: Fixed a bug introduced by numpy 1.9 where in some case the missing value was reset to NaN leading to errors in regrid2 regrid method
- cdutil/genutil: average over all dimensions occasionally would fail (mostly in case where returned value is masked)
- Visualization
- VCS 2D
Taylor diagrams work again
colormap editor can now save and rename colormaps - VCS 3D
The plot constituents (Slice, Volume, Surface) can now be configured separately.
A dual input 3D_Scalar plot has been added for comparing variables in 4D.
The graphics method attribute initialization in python scripts has been generalized and extended.
Numerous bug fixes and minor enhancements.
- VCS 2D
As always, thank you for your continued support and we are looking forward to receiving your feedback so that we can continue to make improvements for better product.
Best regards,