This release consists of various bug fixes. The full details can be found on the documentation for the DMPRoadmap release.
- When exporting a DMP, the coversheet will now separately list the template and funder names
- Browser-spellcheck is now enabled in all text boxes
- You can now create a plan from the Funder Requirements or Public DMPs tab
- Copied plans now behave like normal plans when requesting feedback
Usage Dashboard
- The plans_by_template chart counts now add up to the montly plans chart counts. There was a bug where non-customized funder-templates would not be included.
- Fixed a bug where the 9 and 12 month views of the plans by template chart would sometimes fail to display
- Copied plans submitted for feedback now will generate an email
- Test-plans are now flagged in the API output of the /api/v0/plans and /api/statistics/plans endpoints
- Test-plans can now be filtered from the output of the same two endpoints by passing emove_tests=true as a parameter
- The API now handles empty and invalid dates