Data aggregation of news archive that allows user to search incidents through the new and see the correlation with the location on the map for reference.
Adds the third-party package to the package's development dependencies. It won't be installed when someone runs npm install directly to install your package.
npm install ${package name} --save-dev
npm i -D ${package name}
Clone the project then go to the project directory (cd into RTMA-full_stack)
Start dev detach or with console (Use Windows PowerShell)
make up-backend-d
make up-backend
Stop dev
make down
Clone the project then go to the project directory (cd into RTMA-full_stack)
Start dev detach or with console (Use Windows PowerShell)
make up-frontend-d
make up-frontend
Stop dev
make down
Clone the project then go to the project directory (cd into RTMA-full_stack)
Start dev detach or with console (Use Windows PowerShell)
make up-scraping-d
make up-scraping
Stop dev
make down
Clone the project then go to the project directory (cd into RTMA-full_stack)
Start dev detach or with console (Use Windows PowerShell)
make up-filter-d
make up-filter
Stop dev
make down
make logs
node-app (Back-end)
make into-node-app
mongo (Database)
make into-mongo
vue-app (Front-end)
make into-vue-app
A single command that will clean up any resources — images, containers, volumes, and networks — that are dangling (not associated with a container)
make prune
To additionally remove any stopped containers and all unused images (not just dangling images)
make prune-all
// create and start containers
docker-compose up
// start services with detached mode
docker-compose -d up
// start specific service
docker-compose up <service-name>
// list images
docker-compose images
// list containers
docker-compose ps
// start service
docker-compose start
// stop services
docker-compose stop
// display running containers
docker-compose top
// kill services
docker-compose kill
// remove stopped containers
docker-compose rm
// stop all contaners and remove images, volumes
docker-compose down
Go to the project directory then build image command
docker build -t rtma-api-image .
Run container command with read-only bind mount
docker run -v ${pwd}:/app:ro -v /app/node_modules --env-file ./.env -p 8000:3000 -d --name rtma-api-app rtma-api-image
Run entire container
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up --build --force-recreate
Get in container
docker exec -it ${container_name} bash
Get in mongo
mongo -u "${username}" -p "${password}"
Show all mongo database
show dbs
Select mongo database
use ${database_name}