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Q4 [2024]

Past due by 2 months 0% complete

On this quarter we will kick-off the migration of the Weblectures from the old CDS () to CDS Videos.


Complete the technical design of the new Weblecture record type
Prototype the Weblecture record type

    1. Design: Analyse migration (fields) from CDS Marc21 to CDS Videos data model (2 weeks)
    1. Design: Define how the automatic recording …

On this quarter we will kick-off the migration of the Weblectures from the old CDS () to CDS Videos.


Complete the technical design of the new Weblecture record type
Prototype the Weblecture record type

    1. Design: Analyse migration (fields) from CDS Marc21 to CDS Videos data model (2 weeks)
    1. Design: Define how the automatic recording system can publish on CDS Videos (1 week)
    • 2.1 Discuss with the recording team on what changes needed to be implemented regarding the way that the recordings will be published in the new system
    1. Design: Implement a technical document regarding the new WebLecture video type (3 weeks)
    1. Development: Prototype WebLecture video type (2weeks)

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