This repo will contain material for the Empirical Research course.
This course guides you through the process of empirical research in applied microeconomics, from selecting research ideas and appropriate methods, through collecting data, to submitting your final paper to a journal. We won't talk about these steps, we will do these steps together. Each student and instructor completes a paper during the two terms of the course, which they submit at the end of the course to peer-reviewed journals.
A complete, finished paper, submitted to a peer reviewed journal. Applicable, hands-on experience with how empirical research is done:
select a research idea
review the literature
collect data
select appropriate tools and methods
iterate through analysis
ensure reproducibility
write and present results
Course is Pass/Fail. Active class participation is required. Each student presents their work in progress three times in each term. Participants critique and support one another. Paper submitted to a peer-reviewed journal. Receipt from journal office.
Sufficient background in both:
- Applied econometrics, especially causality (experiments, differences in differences, instrumental variables, regression discontinuity)
- At least one field of applied microeconomics (labor economics, corporate governance, international trade, industrial organization, etc)