POST localhost:8080/scheduler/api
"timestamp": 1397733237027,
"url": "http://localhost:3000",
"payload": "{\"Hello\":\"world\"}"
will schedule a callout POST http://localhost:3000/
with {"Hello": "world"}
as the body.
You will receive back a JSON object that has the group::name pair. You will need to hang on to this if you ever intend to cancel the job.
DELETE localhost:8080/scheduler/api/group::name
This will remove a previously scheduled job with the unique key of group::name. The JSON returned will show failure if the job cannot be found or it was not possible to cancel it.
Currently supports Http POST, JSON content and one single date to add to the schedule and DELETE with the group::name on the url to remote a scheduled job.
docker pull cexbbartolome/quartz-http:latest
docker run --name quartz-http cexbbartolome/quartz-http
Will pull the docker image and create a container named quartz-http
docker run -e HOST= -e PORT=8090 cexbbartolome/quartz-http:latest
Overrides the network interface ( and port (8090) from the defaults (
mvn jetty:run
Will download, build, run the server on the default port 8080
mvn -Djetty.port=8090 jetty:run
Will download, build, run the server on port 8090
mvn package
If you use a browser (or use curl with -GET) to navigate to the URL that the scheduler is running on your should receive this type of error:
HTTP ERROR 405 Problem accessing /scheduler/api. Reason: HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL
This is good and what you should expect from a GET. The URL will only support POST, PUT and DELETE.