This is a pipline the enables the mapping, variant calling, and phasing of input fastq files from a PCR free (PF) and a Complete Genomics' DNBSEQ Complete WGS (cWGS) (a DNA cobarcoding technology, previously known as stLFR) library of the same sample. Running this pipeline results in a highly accurate and complete phased vcf. We recommend at least 40X depth for the PCR free library and 30X depth for the cWGS library. Below is a flow chart which summarizes the pipeline processes. *Note, SV detection has not yet been enabled on the current version of the pipeline.
Hardware requirements
Multiple core computer (default >=48CPU)
Minium 72GB RAM
Exact storage may vary depending on sample count and coverage, expect 1TB per sample.
Software requirements
Linux CentOS >=7
You may need root access to install Singularity (Singularity is a more secure container platform as it does not require root access on execution, while Docker does.)
On a Linux server, install singularity >= 3.8.1 with root on every nodes.
Download the singularity images (internet connection required) by the following commands:
cat <<EOF > CWGS.def
Bootstrap: docker
From: stlfr/cwgs:1.0.6
cp / /.singularity.d/env/
singularity build --fakeroot CWGS.sif CWGS.def
The users without root permission may build the .sif file locally then upload to server.
If the singularity doesn't support --fakeroot, you need sudo permission to run this command:
sudo singularity build CWGS.sif CWGS.def
singularity exec -B`pwd -P` --pwd `pwd -P` CWGS.sif cp -rL /usr/local/bin/CWGS /usr/local/bin/runit /usr/local/app/CWGS/PARAMS.txt /usr/local/app/CWGS/demo .
- Download the database (internet connection required) by this command:
./CWGS -createdb
Or for MegaBolt or ZBolt nodes ((MGI's Bioinformatics analysis accelerator, including MegaBOLT/ZBOLT/ZBOLT Pro)
./CWGS -createdb --megabolt
This command will download around 32G data from internet and build index locally, which will occupy another 30G storage.
- Test demo data:
cat << EOF > samplelist.txt
sample stlfr1 stlfr2 pcrfree1 pcrfree2
demo demo/stLFR_demo_1M_1.fq.gz demo/stLFR_demo_1M_2.fq.gz demo/PF_demo_1M_1.fq.gz demo/PF_demo_1M_2.fq.gz
./CWGS samplelist.txt -local
Test demo data on clusters by SGE (Sun Grid Engine):
./CWGS samplelist.txt --queue mgi.q --project none
Test demo data on clusters by SGE (Sun Grid Engine) with MegaBolt/ZBolt nodes:
./CWGS samplelist.txt -bolt --queue mgi.q --project none --boltq fpga.q
Note that the order of parameters matters: single dash parameters (-opt) should be placed before all double dash parameters (--opt)
Generate sample.list. start from raw fastq (cWGS/stLFR PE100, R2 is 100+42bp barcode e.g.) files (default) E.g.
cat << EOF > sample.list sample stlfr1 stlfr2 pcrfree1 pcrfree2 demo1 /path/to/cWGS_01_1.fq.gz /path/to/cWGS_01_2.fq.gz /path/to/PCRfree_01_1.fq.gz /path/to/PCRfree_01_2.fq.gz demo2 /path/to/cWGS_02_1.fq.gz /path/to/cWGS_02_2.fq.gz /path/to/PCRfree_02_1.fq.gz /path/to/PCRfree_02_2.fq.gz EOF
*paths above can be both absolute and relative
start from barcode (BC) split/deconvolution fastq files (cWGS/stLFR PE100, R2 is 100bp e.g.) (set --skipBarcodeSplit true) format same as above.
start from PCR-free and cWGS bam files (set --frombam true) E.g.
cat << EOF > sample.list sample stlfrbam pfbam demo1 /path/to/cWGS_01.bam /path/to/PCRfree_01.bam demo2 /path/to/cWGS_02.bam /path/to/PCRfree_02.bam EOF
Updates are pushed to the github module and script folders, use the latest ones. Currently, it's recommended to remove PF reads of MAPQ<3 with the --pfmapq tag. Also, to customize and make the pipeline adapt to your needs, you may revise the scripts. An example run:
./CWGS sample.list -sing /usr/local/bin/singularity -module <module_path> -script <script_path> -local -debug --use_megabolt false --pfmapq 3
Run customized reference with --ref </absolute/path/to/ref/fasta>; prepare all indices etc. in the same directory before run.
Run settings Set CPU
--cpu2 INT Specify cpu number for QC, markdup, bam downsample, merge bam, bam stats calculation. [24] --cpu3 INT Specify cpu number for alignment and short variants calling (including BQSR and VQSR, if specified). [48]
Sample the input fastq files
--sampleFq BOOL if you want to initially sample the fastq file, set it true. [false] the following settings are valid only sampleFq is true --stLFR_fq_cov INT [only valid when '--sampleFq true'] sample cWGS (stLFR) reads to this coverage [40] --PF_fq_cov INT [only valid when '--sampleFq true'] sample PCR-free reads to this coverage [50]
Alignment (BWA or Lariat) and variant calling (GATK or Deepvariant (DV)) relevant settings
--align_tool STRING Specify the alignment tool for cWGS reads. [lariat] Supports: bwa lariat bwa,lariat (this will execute both) --var_tool STRING Specify the variant calling tools for merged bam file. [dv] Supports: gatk dv (DeepVariant) gatk,dv (this will execute both)
*If two alignment tools ("lariat,bwa") and two variant calling programs ("gatk,dv") are specified, four result sets will be generated.
--gatk_version STRING [only valid when '--var_tool' contains "gatk"] Specify the GATK version. [v4] Supports: v3 v4 --run_bqsr BOOL [only valid when '--var_tool' contains "gatk"] Run Base Quality Score Recalibration (BQSR) of GATK. [true] --run_vqsr BOOL [only valid when '--var_tool' contains "gatk"] Run Variant Quality Score Recalibration (VQSR) of GATK. [true] --split_by_intervals BOOL [only valid when '--var_tool' contains "gatk" and '--use_megabolt' is false] Utilizes -L option for GATK haplotypecaller; split by chromosome. [true] --dv_version STRING [only valid when '--var_tool' contains "dv"] Specify the DeepVariant version. [v1.6] Supports: v1.6 v0.7 Current MegaBOLT DeepVariant version is v0.7; therefore, if you specify this option to "v1.6", MegaBOLT will not be used even if '--use_megabolt' is true.
--markdup STRING Specify the mark duplicates tool. [biobambam2] Supports: biobambam2 (much faster than picard; recommended) picard gatk4 (MarkDuplicatesSpark) sambamba (not recommended)
Downsample the bam file
--sampleBam BOOL Whether downsample the cWGS bam and PCR-free bam. [true] --stLFR_sampling_cov INT [only valid when '--sampleBam true'] Downsample cWGS (stLFR) bam to the specified coverage. [30] --PF_sampling_cov INT [only valid when '--sampleBam true'] Downsample PCRFree bam to the specified coverage. [40]
Merge the bam
--PF_lt_stLFR_depth INT Extract the intersection regions from the sampled cWGS (stLFR) bam with depth greater than (>) this value and PCRFree bam with depth less equal than (<=) this value. [10]
Enable resuming the running
--keepFiles BOOL By default, useless intermediate files will be deleted during the analysis to save storage. If you want to resume the run, set it true. [false]
Debug mode (if you plan to rerun with different parameter setting to tune the results, use -debug)
-debug By default, each process only keeps the output files. If you want to check the intermediate files within a process, use this flag.
Executor and MegaBOLT setting, four combinations: Make sure CWGS is in your PATH.
- on clusters by SGE (Sun Grid Engine) and no MegaBOLT (default)
Confirm the working queue and project number, which can be specified using --queue, and --project for regular queue, and project id, respectively. Use "--project none" if the system doesn't support a project id.
CWGS sample.list --queue all.q --project none > run.log 2>&1 &
- on clusters by SGE with MegaBOLT nodes.
Ensure the clusters contain at least one MegaBOLT queue and have a queue for them, e.g. bolt.q.
Confirm the working queue and project number, which can be specified using --queue, --boltq, and --project for regular queue, MegaBOLT queue, and project id, respectively. Use "--project none" if the system doesn't support a project id.
CWGS sample.list -bolt --queue all.q --boltq bolt.q --project none > run.log 2>&1 &
- locally run.
Run with "-local" option.
CWGS sample.list -local > run.log 2>&1 &
- locally run on a MegaBOLT machine.
Run with "-local" & "-bolt" option.
CWGS sample.list -local -bolt > run.log 2>&1 &
- on clusters by SGE (Sun Grid Engine) and no MegaBOLT (default)
Confirm the working queue and project number, which can be specified using --queue, and --project for regular queue, and project id, respectively. Use "--project none" if the system doesn't support a project id.
All output in the ./CWGS_run folder.
- The ./CWGS_run/out/report.csv is a summary report, with all intermediate metrics, results of mapping, variant calling, phasing etc.
- FQ, BAM, VCF output
The FQs are in ./CWGS_run/out/<sample_name>/fq, QC by SOAPnuke.
(demo_split_*.fq.gz are the FQ after barcode deconvolution)
The BAMs in in ./CWGS_run/out/<sample_name>/align
The phased VCF in in ./CWGS_run/out/<sample_name>/phase
Log file
The run.log shows excution information etc.
For a typical run of 1 sample, with 30x cWGS and 40x PCR free library, with 60CPU:
MegaBOLT: ~14hr
non-MegaBOLT: ~45hr
(Run time can be reduced by a batch run of multiple N samples, total time <= N*time_per_sample) -
The ./CWGS_run/report.html is output of nextflow, with runtime, CPU usage etc.
The ./CWGS_run/trace.txt shows excution of each steps, use trace.txt to find intermediate files/folders.
- Lariat
A Linked-Read Alignment Tool - Deepvariant
A deep learning-based variant caller - Hapcut2
A haplotype assembly tool - SOAPnuke
A novel quality control tool - MegaBOLT
A Bioinformatics analysis accelerator - cWGS/stLFR
A DNA cobarcoding technique