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NEDUM-2D (Non-Equilibrium Dynamic Urban Model) is a tool for simulating land-use patterns across a city in two dimensions. The initial rationale for its development was to have a simple and tractable urban simulation model, based on core urban economic principles, able to reproduce some of the most striking stylized facts observed across cities worldwide, with the goal of studying the impacts of land-use and transport policies on environmental and welfare outcomes. One core addition of NEDUM-2D was the introduction of inertia in adaptative responses from households and developers to policy shocks, to study their consequences on transition costs. The current version developed for the City of Cape Town (CoCT) incorporates several transportation modes, employment centres, income groups, and housing types, to provide even more realistic prospective scenarios, while remaining tractable in terms of causal mechanisms at play. It allows to model the spatial impact of policies with a special interest for cities in developing countries, such as informal housing regulation and localized flood protection investments.


Documentation is freely available at

The reference working paper used along the documentation is available at


Step 1: Git clone NEDUM-2D repository in your computer

  • Go to and set up the repository on your local machine (choose your preferred option clicking on the code button).

  • The tree structure of the repository should correspond to (comments in parentheses):

    code capetown python (name of the repo)
    ├── _doc_source (source code for documentation)
    ├── _ex (exercise notebooks for training sessions)
    ├── _flood_processing (notebook + data used to pre-process Deltares coastal flood maps)
    ├── _old (old Python scripts used for development)
    ├── _research (research articles referenced in the code)
    ├── docs (html output for documentation)
    ├── calibration (package used for calibration)
    ├── equilibrium (package used to compute equilibrium outcomes)
    ├── inputs (package used to import and process inputs)
    ├── outputs (package used for output plots and tables)
    ├── .gitignore (defines files to ignore when pushing commits online)
    ├── LICENSE (open source license file)
    ├── nedum.yml (packages for conda)
    ├── README.rst (introduction file)
    ├── requirements.txt (packages for pip)
    ├── 0_calib_nb.ipynb (Jupyter notebook that runs calibration)
    ├── 1_main_nb.ipynb (Jupyter notebook that runs the model)
    ├── (exports basic plots and tables for initial state static equilibrium)
    ├── (exports basic plots and tables for input data)
    ├── (exports basic plots and tables for subsequent dynamic simulations)
    ├── (exports interactive plots and tables for climate change use case)
    ├── (exports interactive plots and tables for anticipation use case)
    ├── 4_use_case_nb_empty.ipynb (Jupyter notebook that loads and comments on use case outputs)
    └── 4_use_case_nb_full.ipynb (Jupyter notebook that loads and comments on use case outputs)

Step 2: Set up project directory

  • To run properly, the NEDUM-2D repository (here, code capetown python) should be included in a project folder that also contains input data (and an empty output folder), according to the following tree structure (comments in parentheses):

    ├── Data
    │   ├── Aux data (auxiliary data used to reference raw inputs in the code)
    │   ├── data_Cape_Town (input data provided by the CoCT)
    │   ├── flood_maps (pre-processed flood maps)
    │   ├── occupation_maps (maps for informal settlement expansion scenarios)
    │   ├── precalculated_inputs (calibrated parameters and data)
    │   ├── precalculated_transport (intermediate outputs of commuting choice model)
    │   ├── housing_types_sal_analysis.xlsx (Small-Area-Level data on housing types)
    │   └── housing_types_grid_sal.xlsx (SAL data transposed to CoCT's grid level)
    ├── Output
    └── code capetown python

Note that we do not host the data on GitHub, but that it is available upon request.

Step 3: Set up Python environment

  • If you are not familiar with Python, we recommend using the Anaconda distribution and setting up a dedicated virtual environment for NEDUM-2D.
  • Open your terminal (Anaconda prompt) and go where you located the code capetown python folder (by pasting its local path after the command cd in Anaconda prompt, then press enter)
  • Make sure that all the packages indicated in the requirements.txt file are installed. Alternatively, if you are using Anaconda, you can directly create the adequate environment by typing conda env create -f nedum.yml from your base environment in the Anaconda terminal (this may take some time to run).

Step 4: Launch NEDUM-2D

  • If you are using Anaconda, activate the adequate environment by typing conda activate nedum in the Anaconda terminal. Open the integrated development environment (IDE) of your choice by typing its name in the terminal: we recommend using jupyter-notebook for .ipynb scripts and spyder for .py scripts, as they are the two IDEs set up with the nedum environment.
  • Note that a set of options is left for the user to change in the preamble of most scripts. Each combination corresponds to a specific simulation run, that is saved according to a given naming convention. Before running the scripts, please make sure that the options correspond to the simulation run you are interested in.
  • If needed, run the 0_calib_nb notebook to calibrate parameters again (under precalculated_inputs) if underlying data (in data_Cape_Town) has changed. A static copy is shown in the documentation for illustrative purposes.
  • Execute the 1_main_nb notebook to run the simulations and obtain a preview of results. Outcomes will be automatically saved in a dedicated subfolder (according to the naming convention defined in the preamble of the script) under the Output directory. A static copy is shown in the documentation for illustrative purposes.
  • Run the 2_plots scripts to export static tables and figures in dedicated subfolders. plots input data that does not change across scenarios (output is saved in dedicated subfolders under the Output directory). plots outcomes for the initial state static equilibrium. Output changes across scenarios and is saved under the specific subfolder created at previous step with 1_main_nb. plots outcomes for dynamic simulations over subsequent periods. Output is saved in same directory as for we have created a separate script in case the end user is not interested in the dynamics (which are long to loop over). In case of discrepancies, we recommend using for each period individually.
  • Run the and to export (in a specific subfolder) the interactive plots and tables associated with respectively the anticipation and climate change use cases that we developed for this version of the model. This requires to run both 1_main_nb and for the scenarios used in each script (with and without anticipation, with and without climate change). The options that define which scenario to run can be modified in the preamble of the scripts (see :doc:`../technical_doc` for more details).
  • Run the 4_use_case_nb_empty.ipynb notebook to recover key interactive plots from and with associated comments and interpretation. As the interactive plots are too heavy to save and load as a .html page, we saved the notebook without the associated cached output. 4_use_case_nb_full.ipynb provides a static version with cached output (without the possibility to zoom in and out or display information by hovering over the plots), that is shown in the documentation for illustrative purposes.
  • See :doc:`../technical_doc` for more details on running custom simulations.


  • The gh_pages branch of the GitHub repository contains the latest update of the code and is set as default. If you want to modify the code, please fork the repository and start from this branch, as this is the one used in this documentation.
  • All other branches are deprecated.

About the authors

The development of the NEDUM-2D model was initiated at CIRED in 2009. Coordinated by Vincent Viguié, it involved over the years, in alphabetic order: Paolo Avner, Stéphane Hallegattte, Charlotte Liotta, Thomas Monnier, Basile Pfeiffer, Claus Rabe, Julie Rozenberg, and Harris Selod.


If you find NEDUM-2D useful, please kindly cite our paper:

  author      = {Pfeiffer, Basile and Rabe, Claus and Selod, Harris and Viguié, Vincent},
  title       = {Assessing Urban Policies Using a Simulation Model with Formal and Informal Housing:
  Application to Cape Town, South Africa},
  year        = {2019},
  institution = {World Bank},
  address     = {Washington, DC},
  series      = {Policy Research Working Paper},
  type        = {Working Paper},
  number      = {8921},
  url         = {}

For internal reference within the CoCT, please contact [email protected].

User guide conception: Thomas Monnier - Website - Twitter - Github - [email protected]

Distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.


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