C++ Configuration library patterned after viper
package for golang. It is designed to work within an application and handle configuration needs.
- framework for companion libraries which can read from JSON, YAML, TOML
- unmarshalling configuration data to native C++ types where supported
- setting defaults
- TODO: reading from environment variables
- reading from command line flags
- live watching and re-reading of config files or Kubernetes ConfigMaps
ConfigCpp uses the following precedence order. Each item takes precedence over the item(s) below it:
- command-line flags
- TODO: environment variables
- configuration file
- default
- C++14-capable compiler
- GoogleTest (unit testing)
- CMake
- cxxopts (https://github.com/jarro2783/cxxopts) version 3.1.1 or later
Also one or more of the following:
- Json for Modern C++ (https://github.com/nlohmann/json)
- Yaml-cpp (https://github.com/jbeder/yaml-cpp)
- Toml11 (https://github.com/ToruNiina/toml11)
ConfigCpp::ConfigCpp config;
config.SetConfigName("config"); // Name of config file minus extension
config.AddConfigPath("/etc/appname/"); // Path to look for config files
config.AddConfigPath("/home/.appname/"); // call as many times as needed
if (!config.ReadInConfig()) {
std::cerr << "Failed to read in config\n";
// Callback function called upon config file change
void onConfigChange(ConfigCpp::ConfigCpp &config) {
std::cout << "Config changed\n";
Default values can be specified for keys in case values aren't specified in config file(s), environment variables, or command-line flags.
config.SetDefault("logLevel", "trace");
Command line flags can be added as follows, following the cxxopts
convention of specifying the long name optionally preceded by the short name separated by a comma.
config.AddBoolOption("b,top-bool","Bool option");
config.AddIntOption("t,top-int","Integer option");
config.AddStringOption("s,top-string","String option");
config.AddDoubleOption("d,top-double","Double option");
config.AddStringOption("long-only","String option w/no short name");
By default a --help
option is added, which will result in displaying the help output from cxxopts
and then exiting with return code 1. Errors encountered while parsing command-line arguments will result displaying the error message and help output from cxxopts
and then exiting with return code 1.
std::string stringVal = config.GetString("key");
bool flagVal = config.GetBool("key.subkey");
int intVal = config.GetInt("key.intVal");
double doubleVal = config.GetDouble("key.double");
See the JSON, YAML and TOML libraries for requirements.
JsonType myJsonConfig;
if (config.UnmarshalJson<JsonType>(myJsonConfig)) {
YamlType myYamlConfig;
if (config.UnmarshalYaml<YamlType>(myYamlConfig)) {
TomlType myTomlConfig;
if (config.UnmarshalToml<TomlType>(myTomlConfig)) {