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Face detector using the BlazeFace Mediapipe model (with both CPU and TPU delegates) written in C++


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Face detector using the BlazeFace Mediapipe model (with both CPU and TPU delegates) written in C++;

  • Plain C/C++ implementation with minimal dependencies (Tensorflow Lite + OpenCV)
  • Google MediaPipe models without the Mediapipe framework
  • Support for Coral Edge TPU (not supported when using the ROS2 binding)
  • Runs on ARM as well (Tested on RPI 3,4 and 5)
  • ROS2 support

API Features

This library offers support for:

  • Face detection
  • Face ROI (Region of interest) detection
  • 2D Landmarks of the Left eye, Right Eye, Nose tip, Mouth, Left eye tragion and Right eye tragion

Face detection

This is some example code for face detection:

    #define MODEL_PATH FACE_DETECTOR_MODEL_DIR "/CPU/face_detection.tflite"

    /* Initialize face detector library */
    CLFML::FaceDetection::FaceDetector det;
    /* Load model and initialize inference runtime */
    /* Load image into model and do inference! */

    /* Get face_detected value */
    const int face_detected = det.detected(); // returns -1 for no face and 0 for face detected!

Region Of Interest

This is some example code for capturing the region of interest:

    #define MODEL_PATH FACE_DETECTOR_MODEL_DIR "/CPU/face_detection.tflite"

    /* Initialize face detector library */
    CLFML::FaceDetection::FaceDetector det;
    /* Load model and initialize inference runtime */
    /* Load image into model and do inference! */

    /* Get the face roi rectangle */
    cv::Rect face_roi = det.get_face_roi();

Example code

For a full example showcasing both these API functions see the example code in example/face_roi_demo/demo.cpp.

Building with CMake

Before using this library you will need the following packages installed:

  • OpenCV
  • Working C++ compiler (GCC, Clang, MSVC (2017 or Higher))
  • CMake
  • Ninja (Optional, but preferred)

Running the examples (CPU)

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run:
cmake . -B build -G Ninja
  1. Let CMake generate and run:
cd build && ninja
  1. After building you can run (linux & mac):

or (if using windows)


Running the examples (Coral TPU)

  1. Make sure you got:
  • The newest libedgetpu library installed (based on TF 2.16.1); If not sure compile it from source!
  • libusb-1.0-0-dev package or installed (only when using Linux)\
  • When using Linux your udev configured correctly (is done automatically when compiling from source!)
  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run:

or add this block to your settings.json in vscode:

"cmake.configureSettings": {
  1. Let CMake generate and run:
cd build && ninja
  1. After building you can run (linux & mac):

or (if using windows)


Using it in your project as library

Add this to your top-level CMakeLists file:


    GIT_TAG main
    SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/lib/Face_Detector.Cpp
target_link_libraries(YOUR_EXECUTABLE CLFML::face_detector)

Or manually clone this repo and add the library to your project using:

target_link_libraries(YOUR_EXECUTABLE CLFML::face_detector)

Building a ROS2 package with Colcon

Before using this library you will need the following packages installed:

  • OpenCV
  • ROS2
  • ROS CV bridge
  • Working C++ compiler (GCC, Clang, MSVC (2017 or Higher))
  • CMake

Running the examples (Ubuntu, CPU)

  1. Clone this repo:
git clone
  1. Source your ROS2 installation:
source /opt/ros/jazzy/setup.bash
  1. Install the dependencies:
rosdep install --from-paths src -y --ignore-src
  1. Build the package:
colcon build --packages-select face_detector
  1. Set up the environment:
source install/setup.bash
  1. Run the camera node:
ros2 run v4l2_camera v4l2_camera_node
  1. In another terminal, run the face detector node (don’t forget to source the setup script):
ros2 run face_detector face_detector_node
  1. In yet another terminal, run the viewer:
ros2 run face_detector face_detector_viewer

Aditional documentation

See our wiki...


  • Add language bindings for Python, C# and Java
  • Add support for MakeFiles and Bazel
  • Add Unit-tests
  • Add ROS2 package TPU support
  • If needed to crunch ROS2 latency: Do not use nodes, put plugins in a container


This work is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.